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摘  要:随着社会进步与健康意识提升,终身体育教育和家庭体育教育的重要性日益凸显。本研究旨在探讨两者的目标体系及其相互关系,为构建科学的体育教育框架提供理论支持。通过文献分析、问卷调查及深度访谈相结合的方法,研究选取了不同年龄段和职业背景的样本群体,系统考察了其对终身体育和家庭体育的认知与实践状况。结果表明,终身体育教育目标应聚焦于培养个体持续参与体育活动的意识与能力,而家庭体育教育则需强化亲子互动和健康生活方式的养成。研究创新性地提出了“家庭-终身体育联动模式”,强调家庭作为终身体育启蒙的重要场域,其作用不可替代。这一发现为完善体育教育政策、优化资源配置提供了新视角,同时为促进全民健康水平提升奠定了理论基础。


Abstract:With the advancement of society and the increasing awareness of health, the importance of lifelong physical education and family-based physical education has become increasingly prominent. This study aims to explore the goal systems of both approaches and their interrelationship, providing theoretical support for the construction of a scientific fr amework for physical education. By employing a combination of literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and in-depth interviews, the research examined samples from diverse age groups and occupational backgrounds, systematically assessing their perceptions and practices regarding lifelong physical education and family-based physical education. The findings indicate that the goals of lifelong physical education should focus on cultivating individuals' awareness and capacity for sustained participation in physical activities, while family-based physical education needs to emphasize parent-child interaction and the development of healthy lifestyles. Innovatively, this study proposes the "Family-Lifelong Physical Education Synergy Model," which highlights the irreplaceable role of the family as a critical domain for initiating lifelong physical education. This discovery offers new perspectives for refining physical education policies and optimizing resource allocation, while also laying a theoretical foundation for enhancing the overall health level of the population.

Keywords: Lifelong Physical Education;Family Physical Education;Goal System;Parent-Child Interaction;Synergic Model
目  录
引言 1
一、终身体育教育的目标体系构建 1
(一)终身体育教育的核心目标 1
(二)目标体系的理论基础分析 2
(三)实现路径与关键要素 2
二、家庭体育教育的目标定位 3
(一)家庭体育教育的基本目标 3
(二)目标与家庭功能的关系 3
(三)目标实现的影响因素分析 4
三、终身体育与家庭体育教育目标的协同关系 4
(一)两种教育目标的内在联系 4
(二)协同目标的设计原则 5
(三)实践中的协同策略探讨 5
四、终身体育与家庭体育教育目标的实施路径 6
(一)政策支持与制度保障 6
(二)社会资源的整合与利用 6
(三)教育实践的具体措施 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



