摘 要:随着全球化和市场竞争加剧,企业对创新绩效的追求日益迫切,而多元化团队作为推动创新的重要载体,其构建与管理成为研究热点。本研究旨在探讨多元化团队对企业创新绩效的影响机制,并深入分析其作用路径与边界条件。研究采用定量与定性相结合的方法,通过问卷调查收集了来自不同行业企业的325份有效样本数据,并运用结构方程模型进行实证分析。结果表明,团队成员在人口特征、知识背景和文化维度上的多元化显著提升了企业创新绩效,且这种影响受到团队信任和冲突管理能力的中介调节作用。此外,领导支持和组织氛围在这一过程中发挥了重要的调节功能。本研究的创新点在于将多元化团队的影响机制细化为多维度分析框架,并揭示了其作用的动态性和情境依赖性,为企业实践提供了具体指导。主要贡献在于丰富了团队多样性与创新绩效关系的理论体系,同时为企业优化团队构建策略提供了实证依据。
The Impact of Diversified Team Construction on Corporate Innovation Performance
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Abstract:As globalization and market competition intensify, enterprises are increasingly pursuing innovation performance, and diversified teams, as a critical driver of innovation, have become a research focus in terms of their construction and management. This study investigates the influence mechanism of diversified teams on enterprise innovation performance and analyzes their mediating paths and boundary conditions in depth. By employing a mixed-methods approach, this research collected 325 valid samples from enterprises across various industries through questionnaire surveys and conducted empirical analysis using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that team diversification in demographic characteristics, knowledge backgrounds, and cultural dimensions significantly enhances enterprise innovation performance, with this effect being mediated by team trust and conflict management capabilities. Furthermore, leadership support and organizational climate play crucial moderating roles in this process. The novelty of this study lies in refining the influence mechanism of diversified teams into a multidimensional analytical fr amework, revealing its dynamism and context-dependence, thereby providing concrete guidance for enterprise practices. The primary contributions include enriching the theoretical system regarding the relationship between team diversity and innovation performance and offering empirical evidence to optimize team-building strategies for enterprises.
Keywords: Diversified Team;Enterprise Innovation Performance;Team Trust;Conflict Management;Leadership Support
目 录
引言 1
一、多元化团队构建的理论基础 1
(一)团队多元化的概念界定 1
(二)多元化与企业创新的关系 2
(三)理论框架与研究假设 2
二、多元化团队对企业创新能力的影响机制 3
(一)创新能力的构成要素分析 3
(二)多元化如何促进知识共享 3
(三)多元化对问题解决能力的作用 4
三、多元化团队构建的关键因素分析 4
(一)团队成员背景的多样性选择 4
(二)领导方式对多元化团队的影响 5
(三)团队文化与沟通机制的构建 5
四、多元化团队对企业创新绩效的实际影响 6
(一)创新绩效的衡量标准探讨 6
(二)案例分析 6
(三)实证研究结果与讨论 2
结论 2
参考文献 3
致谢 3