摘 要
With the widespread adoption of internet technology and the development of rural economies, rural e-commerce has become a critical channel for promoting the circulation of agricultural products. This study aims to investigate the impact of rural e-commerce on agricultural product circulation and propose targeted optimization strategies. By integrating literature analysis, field research, and case studies, data were collected and analyzed from representative regions with developed rural e-commerce, revealing its positive roles in enhancing circulation efficiency, broadening sales channels, and increasing farmers' incomes. Simultaneously, the study identified challenges such as insufficient infrastructure, high logistics costs, weak brand awareness, and a shortage of professional talent in rural e-commerce. Based on these findings, this paper proposes countermeasures, including strengthening rural logistics systems, improving policy support mechanisms, reinforcing the branding of agricultural products, and enhancing farmers' e-commerce skills. The innovation of this research lies in its in-depth analysis of the practical operational effects of rural e-commerce through specific cases and the construction of a comprehensive fr amework for optimizing its development from multiple dimensions, providing theoretical foundations and practical references for relevant policy formulation. The research outcomes not only contribute to addressing bottlenecks in the development of rural e-commerce but also offer significant support for the implementation of rural revitalization strategies and the advancement of agricultural modernization.
Keywords:Rural E-commerce;Agricultural Products Circulation;Logistics System
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
引 言 1
第一章 农村电商与农产品流通概述 2
1.1 农村电商发展现状分析 2
1.2 农产品流通体系特征 2
1.3 农村电商对农产品流通的意义 3
1.4 农村电商与传统流通模式对比 3
第二章 农村电商对农产品流通的影响机制 5
2.1 农村电商对流通效率的提升作用 5
2.2 农村电商对流通成本的优化影响 5
2.3 农村电商对市场信息传递的作用 6
2.4 农村电商对农产品品牌建设的影响 6
2.5 农村电商对供应链整合的促进 7
第三章 农村电商发展中的挑战与瓶颈分析 8
3.1 基础设施建设不足的问题 8
3.2 农产品标准化程度低的制约 8
3.3 人才短缺对农村电商发展的限制 9
3.4 物流配送体系不完善的现状 9
3.5 政策支持与监管体系的不足 10
第四章 推动农村电商发展的对策建议 11
4.1 加强农村基础设施建设的措施 11
4.2 提升农产品标准化水平的路径 11
4.3 培养农村电商专业人才的策略 12
4.4 完善农村物流配送体系的方案 12
4.5 强化政策支持与监管的建议 13
结 论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 16