
摘  要:在全球化和知识经济快速发展的背景下,企业面临日益激烈的竞争环境,基于战略的人力资源规划逐渐成为提升企业竞争力的核心手段。本研究旨在探讨基于战略的人力资源规划对企业竞争力的影响机制及其实际效果,通过构建理论模型并结合实证分析验证其作用路径。研究采用问卷调查与案例分析相结合的方法,选取多个行业中的代表性企业作为样本,收集相关数据进行统计分析。结果表明,基于战略的人力资源规划能够显著提升企业的核心竞争力,具体体现在优化资源配置、增强组织灵活性以及促进创新等方面。此外,研究发现人力资源规划与企业战略的协同效应是影响竞争力的关键因素。本研究的创新点在于将人力资源规划置于战略管理框架下进行系统性分析,并揭示了其对竞争力的作用机理,为相关理论发展提供了新视角,同时为企业实践提供了可操作的建议。


Abstract:In the context of rapid globalization and the development of the knowledge economy, enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competitive environments, and strategic human resource planning has gradually become a core approach to enhancing corporate competitiveness. This study aims to explore the influence mechanism and practical effects of strategic human resource planning on corporate competitiveness by constructing a theoretical model and validating its pathways through empirical analysis. A combination of questionnaire surveys and case studies was employed, selecting representative enterprises from multiple industries as samples to collect relevant data for statistical analysis. The results indicate that strategic human resource planning significantly enhances corporate core competitiveness, specifically in terms of optimizing resource allocation, increasing organizational flexibility, and promoting innovation. Furthermore, the study reveals that the synergy between human resource planning and corporate strategy is a critical factor affecting competitiveness. The novelty of this research lies in systematically analyzing human resource planning within the fr amework of strategic management, uncovering its mechanisms of influence on competitiveness, thereby providing new perspectives for theoretical development and actionable recommendations for enterprise practice.

Keywords: Strategic Human Resource Planning;Enterprise Competitiveness;Resource Allocation

目  录
引言 1
一、战略人力资源规划的理论基础 1
(一)战略人力资源规划的概念界定 1
(二)战略人力资源规划的核心要素 2
(三)战略人力资源规划的理论框架 2
二、企业竞争力的关键驱动因素 3
(一)企业竞争力的内涵与构成 3
(二)战略人力资源规划对核心能力的影响 3
(三)竞争优势与人力资源的关系分析 4
三、战略人力资源规划对企业竞争力的作用机制 4
(一)资源配置优化与企业竞争力提升 4
(二)组织能力构建与竞争优势形成 5
(三)创新能力培养与可持续发展 5
四、战略人力资源规划实施的挑战与对策 6
(一)实施过程中常见问题分析 6
(二)提高规划有效性的关键策略 6
(三)推动战略落地的组织保障 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9



