
摘    要


关键词:磷循环; 森林生态系统; 全球变化


  Phosphorus is a critical limiting element in forest ecosystems, and its cycling process plays a key role in maintaining the structure and function of these ecosystems. This study aims to systematically review recent advances in phosphorus cycling within forest ecosystems by integrating literature reviews with field investigations. The research reveals that atmospheric deposition and parent material weathering are the primary pathways for phosphorus input, while leaching and biological uptake serve as important mechanisms for phosphorus output. Plant root exudates enhance the solubilization of insoluble phosphorus, thereby increasing its availability. Microbial communities play an indispensable role in phosphorus transformation processes. A novel contribution of this study lies in linking phosphorus cycling with global change factors such as climate change and increased nitrogen deposition, uncovering new characteristics of phosphorus cycling in forest ecosystems under global change scenarios. This provides a fresh perspective for understanding nutrient dynamics in forest ecosystems and offers theoretical support for forest management and conservation practices.

Key words:Phosphorus Cycle; Forest Ecosystem; Global Change

目    录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引    言 1

第1章、森林磷循环的基本概念 3

1.1、磷在森林生态系统中的作用 3

1.2、森林磷循环的主要过程 3

1.3、影响磷循环的关键因素 4

第2章、磷循环的生物地球化学机制 5

2.1、微生物对磷循环的影响 5

2.2、植物根系与磷吸收 5

2.3、土壤矿物与磷固定 6

第3章、人类活动对森林磷循环的影响 7

3.1、森林砍伐与磷流失 7

3.2、施肥管理与磷输入 7

3.3、气候变化对磷循环的干扰 8

第4章、磷循环研究的技术与方法进展 9

4.1、同位素示踪技术应用 9

4.2、生态模型构建与发展 9

4.3、遥感监测与数据融合 10

结    论 11

参考文献 12
