摘 要
关键词:涉众型经济犯罪 刑事责令退赔 司法适用
The study on the judicial application of criminal orders for restitution in mass-involved economic crime cases aims to address existing issues in current judicial practice. With the development of the economy and society, mass-involved economic crimes have become more frequent, often involving numerous victims and substantial amounts of money. Traditional civil compensation avenues are insufficient to meet the needs for relief, making criminal orders for restitution an important supplementary measure. Based on an analysis of current laws, regulations, and judicial interpretations in China, combined with extensive case studies, this research explores the specific application rules of criminal orders for restitution in mass-involved economic crime cases. Through empirical research methods, it thoroughly examines major issues in current judicial practice, including irregularities in initiating the restitution order process and difficulties in enforcement, and proposes improvements. The study finds that clarifying the conditions and scope of restitution orders, establishing specialized supervisory mechanisms for enforcement, and strengthening inter-departmental cooperation are crucial for enhancing the effectiveness of this system. An innovative aspect of this research is the systematic construction of a theoretical fr amework for criminal orders for restitution in mass-involved economic crime cases, providing operational guidance for judicial practice, which contributes to better protection of victims' rights, social stability, and judicial fairness.
Keyword:Economic Crimes Involving Multiple Parties Criminal Order For Restitution Judicial Application
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2责令退赔制度的理论基础 2
2.1责令退赔的法律属性分析 2
2.2受害人权益保护机制探讨 2
2.3刑事责任与民事责任的衔接 3
3责令退赔程序适用问题研究 4
3.1退赔程序启动条件 4
3.2证据收集与审查标准 4
3.3退赔金额确定原则 5
4责令退赔执行中的难点及对策 6
4.1执行难的主要表现形式 6
4.2多部门协作机制构建 6
4.3完善配套制度建议 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10