摘 要
关键词:网络型开设赌场罪 司法适用 犯罪构成要件
With the rapid development of information technology, online casino operations have emerged as a new challenge in judicial practice. Current regulations in China addressing traditional casino operations are insufficient to fully apply to the online environment, leading to various difficulties in judicial application, such as ambiguous criteria for identifying elements of the crime, frequent jurisdictional disputes, and challenges in evidence collection and preservation. This study aims to explore the judicial application issues of online casino operations by analyzing relevant laws, judicial interpretations, and typical cases, complemented by interviews with frontline judicial personnel, thereby revealing the practical difficulties faced in such cases. The research finds that under the existing legal fr amework, there is significant controversy regarding the characterization of online casino operations, particularly concerning the identification of accomplices and the application of the principle of unity between subjective intent and ob jective actions. To address these issues, this paper proposes legislative recommendations specifically targeting online casino operations, including clarifying the elements of the crime, refining sentencing standards, and improving jurisdictional rules, while emphasizing the enhanced use of technical means in evidence collection and preservation. Additionally, it advocates for the establishment of inter-departmental cooperation mechanisms to enhance the capacity of judicial authorities in handling cybercrimes. This study not only provides theoretical support for resolving the judicial application dilemmas of online casino operations but also offers valuable references for improving related legislation and judicial interpretations, highlighting its significant practical importance and innovative value.
Keyword:Online Casino Operation Crime Judicial Application Elements Of The Crime
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2网络型开设赌场罪的法律界定 2
2.1网络型开设赌场罪的概念解析 2
2.2网络型开设赌场罪的构成要件 2
2.3网络型开设赌场罪与其他罪名的区分 3
3司法适用中的困境分析 3
3.1立法层面的不足与挑战 3
3.2司法实践中的证据收集难题 4
3.3跨境网络赌博的管辖权争议 4
4应对司法适用困境的对策建议 5
4.1完善相关法律法规建设 5
4.2强化技术手段与执法协作 6
4.3推动国际司法合作机制 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9