摘 要
关键词:袭警罪 司法认定 犯罪构成要件
The crime of assaulting a police officer, as an important legal institution for maintaining the authority of police law enforcement and public safety order, has faced numerous challenging issues in recent years that urgently need to be addressed in judicial practice. This study focuses on the judicial determination of assaulting a police officer, aiming to thoroughly analyze controversies and difficulties existing in its application process, thereby providing theoretical support for improving relevant legislation and unifying judicial standards. By systematically reviewing current laws and regulations, judicial interpretations, and a large number of typical cases, combined with interviews and surveys of frontline judicial personnel, it was found that there are discrepancies in understanding the elements of the crime, defining the degree of violence, and judging subjective intent. The research results indicate that clarifying the specific manifestations of assaulting behavior and distinguishing it from similar crimes such as obstruction of official duties is crucial. Innovatively, this study proposes constructing a scientific and reasonable judicial determination system from three dimensions: mode of action, consequences of harm, and subjective mentality, and suggests introducing a graded sentencing mechanism to achieve proportionality between guilt and punishment. This study not only helps clarify the boundaries of judicial application of assaulting a police officer but also provides operational paths for accurately combating such crimes, which is of great significance for ensuring police perform their duties according to law and maintaining social harmony and stability.
Keyword:Assault On Police Judicial Recognition Elements Of Crime
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2袭警罪的构成要件分析 2
2.1主体身份的认定 2
2.2客观行为的界定 2
2.3主观故意的判断 3
3袭警罪司法实践中的难点 3
3.1暴力程度的衡量 3
3.2证据收集与固定 4
3.3处罚幅度的把握 5
4袭警罪与其他罪名的界限 5
4.1与妨害公务罪的区别 5
4.2与故意伤害罪的区分 6
4.3与寻衅滋事罪的辨析 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10