摘 要
关键词:个人数据经济利益 数据权益保护 原始财产权益
With the rapid development of information technology, the value of personal data in the digital economy has become increasingly prominent. This study aims to explore the attribution and legal protection of economic interests derived from personal data, providing theoretical support for establishing a comprehensive system to safeguard personal data rights. By systematically reviewing relevant domestic and international laws, policy documents, and academic research findings, and through the analysis of typical judicial cases, this study employs comparative law and empirical analysis methods to conduct an in-depth investigation. The research reveals that the current attribution of economic interests from personal data remains ambiguous, with unclear rights definitions in data collection, usage, and trading processes, leading to frequent misuse of personal data. Innovatively, this study proposes that individuals should have original property rights over their data, meaning that the economic benefits generated by personal data should primarily belong to the data subjects, while emphasizing that data controllers bear the obligation of reasonable use. On this basis, a comprehensive legal protection mechanism encompassing ex-ante prevention, intra-event supervision, and ex-post relief is constructed, which not only effectively safeguards personal data rights but also promotes the healthy development of the data industry, laying a solid legal foundation for the high-quality development of China’s digital economy.
Keyword:Personal Data Economic Interests Data Rights Protection Original Property Rights
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2个人数据经济利益的理论基础 1
2.1数据作为新型生产要素 2
2.2经济利益的内涵界定 2
2.3权益归属的理论依据 3
3个人数据经济利益的归属分析 3
3.1归属主体的确定原则 4
3.2数据生成过程中的权益分配 4
3.3不同场景下的归属模式 5
4个人数据经济利益的法律保护机制 5
4.1现行法律法规评析 5
4.2法律保护的主要内容 6
4.3完善保护机制的建议 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9