

摘    要


关键词:数字出版著作权  侵权界定  保护机制

  With the rapid development of digital technology, the scale of the digital publishing industry has been expanding continuously. However, this growth also brings new challenges in copyright protection. To establish a comprehensive legal fr amework for protecting copyrights in digital publishing, this study examines relevant laws and policies both domestically and internationally while considering the unique characteristics of digital publishing. The aim is to address existing issues such as the difficulty in defining infringement, high costs of rights protection, and an incomplete protection mechanism. Through literature analysis, this research reviews current studies, employs comparative research methods to draw on international best practices, and uses case analysis to delve into typical infringement cases. The findings indicate that the current legal system exhibits a lag in responding to copyright protection in digital publishing, particularly in the ambiguous definition of reproduction and distribution rights in online environments. This study innovatively proposes establishing specialized copyright protection regulations targeted at digital publishing, clarifying the rights and obligations of all parties in digital environments, and constructing a multi-level protection system encompassing administrative, judicial, and technological measures. Additionally, it emphasizes enhancing industry self-regulation and social supervision. These initiatives not only help protect creators' rights and promote the healthy development of the digital publishing industry but also provide valuable insights for improving China's intellectual property legal system, significantly contributing to the advancement of the cultural industry.

Keyword:Digital Publishing Copyright  Infringement Definition  Protection Mechanism

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1数字出版著作权保护的研究背景 1
1.2研究数字出版著作权保护的意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状综述 1
1.4本文的研究方法与思路 2
2数字出版著作权的法律基础 2
2.1数字出版物的定义与特征 2
2.2著作权法在数字出版中的适用 3
2.3数字环境下著作权主体与客体 3
2.4数字出版著作权的特殊性分析 4
3数字出版著作权侵权问题 4
3.1数字出版侵权的主要形式 4
3.2技术发展对侵权行为的影响 5
3.3侵权认定的难点与挑战 5
3.4防范侵权的对策建议 6
4数字出版著作权保护机制构建 6
4.1完善相关法律法规体系 6
4.2建立有效的技术保护措施 7
4.3构建多元化的纠纷解决机制 7
4.4推动行业自律与规范发展 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11




