
摘    要


关键词:高空抛物  侵权责任  责任认定


  The act of throwing ob jects from heights poses a significant threat to public safety and has led to numerous tort liability disputes, necessitating an in-depth study of liability determination and compensation issues. This paper aims to explore key issues such as the constitutive elements, attribution principles, and scope of compensation concerning tort liabilities arising from ob jects thrown from heights, thereby providing theoretical support for judicial practice. By systematically reviewing relevant domestic and international laws, judicial interpretations, and landmark cases, and combining these with fundamental principles of tort liability law, this study employs comparative analysis and empirical research methods to analyze the characteristics of tortious acts involving ob jects thrown from heights and the challenges in their legal application. Research findings indicate that in terms of liability determination, it is essential to establish the presumed fault liability of building managers and users while reinforcing the duty of care of property management companies. Regarding compensation issues, factors such as the extent of damage to victims and the financial status of perpetrators should be comprehensively considered to reasonably determine compensation amounts. An innovative aspect of this study is the proposal to construct a diversified liability-sharing mechanism and introduce insurance systems as supplementary relief channels, ensuring protection of victims' rights while balancing interests among all parties. Additionally, it is recommended to improve legislation, refine rules, and enhance operability to provide more scientifically sound and reasonable legal grounds for resolving tort cases involving ob jects thrown from heights.

Keyword:High-Altitude Littering  Tort Liability  Liability Determination

目  录

1绪论 5

1.1高空抛物侵权责任认定的背景与意义 5

1.2国内外研究现状综述 5

1.3本文研究方法与创新点 6

2高空抛物侵权行为的构成要件 6

2.1行为人的主观过错分析 6

2.2抛掷物致害行为的客观表现 7

2.3因果关系的判定标准 7

2.4特殊情形下的责任归属 8

3高空抛物侵权责任的主体认定 9

3.1直接侵权人的确定原则 9

3.2可能加害人的范围界定 9

3.3物业管理方的责任承担 10

3.4建筑物区分所有者的连带责任 11

4高空抛物侵权损害赔偿制度 11

4.1损害赔偿范围的确定 11

4.2赔偿数额的计算依据 12

4.3保险机制在赔偿中的作用 13

4.4赔偿执行中的难点与对策 13

结论 14

参考文献 16




