
摘    要

  随着智能电网的发展,配电变压器作为电力系统的重要组成部分,其运行状态的实时监测对于保障电力系统的安全稳定运行具有重要意义。为此,构建基于物联网的配电变压器状态监测系统成为研究热点。本研究旨在通过物联网技术实现对配电变压器运行状态的全面、实时、精准监测。采用ZigBee无线传感网络组建数据采集层,以多种传感器获取配电变压器的油温、振动、局部放电等关键参数;利用NB - IoT通信技术将采集的数据传输至云端服务器,在云平台进行数据存储、处理与分析,建立基于大数据分析的状态评估模型,可准确判断配电变压器的健康状况并预测故障发生概率。结果表明,该系统能够有效提高配电变压器状态监测的效率和准确性,创新性地融合了物联网与配电变压器状态监测,为电力系统的智能化运维提供了新的思路和技术手段,有助于及时发现潜在故障,减少停电事故,保障电力系统的安全可靠运行。

关键词:配电变压器状态监测  物联网  ZigBee无线传感网络

  With the development of smart grids, distribution transformers, as critical components of power systems, play a vital role in ensuring the safe and stable operation of these systems. Consequently, real-time monitoring of their operational status has become increasingly important. To address this need, constructing an IoT-based condition monitoring system for distribution transformers has emerged as a research hotspot. This study aims to achieve comprehensive, real-time, and precise monitoring of distribution transformer operations through IoT technology. A ZigBee wireless sensor network is employed to form the data acquisition layer, utilizing various sensors to obtain key parameters such as oil temperature, vibration, and partial discharge. NB-IoT communication technology is then used to transmit the collected data to cloud servers, where data storage, processing, and analysis are conducted on the cloud platform. A big data analysis-based condition assessment model is established, which can accurately determine the health status of distribution transformers and predict the probability of fault occurrences. The results indicate that this system effectively enhances the efficiency and accuracy of distribution transformer condition monitoring. It innovatively integrates IoT with distribution transformer condition monitoring, providing new ideas and technical means for intelligent operation and maintenance of power systems. This approach facilitates the timely discovery of potential faults, reduces power outage incidents, and ensures the safe and reliable operation of power systems.

Keyword:Condition Monitoring Of Distribution Transformer  Internet Of Things  Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network

目  录
引言 1
1物联网技术基础与应用 1
1.1物联网架构概述 1
1.2配电变压器监测需求 2
1.3关键技术选型分析 2
2状态监测系统设计 3
2.1系统总体架构设计 3
2.2数据采集与传输方案 3
2.3监测终端硬件选型 4
3数据处理与故障诊断 4
3.1实时数据处理方法 4
3.2故障特征提取技术 5
3.3智能诊断算法研究 5
4系统实施与效果评估 6
4.1系统部署实施方案 6
4.2运行维护管理策略 7
4.3应用效果评价分析 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10