摘 要
关键词:谐波治理 无功补偿 自适应滤波算法
With the widespread application of modern power electronic devices, harmonic pollution and reactive power issues in power systems have become increasingly severe, affecting power quality and system stability. To address these challenges, this study focuses on the coordinated control strategy for harmonic mitigation and reactive power compensation. By establishing a unified mathematical model that integrates harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation, a novel comprehensive control system based on an adaptive filtering algorithm is proposed. This system employs multi-ob jective optimization methods to achieve effective harmonic current suppression and precise reactive power compensation while ensuring grid voltage stability. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme maintains excellent dynamic response characteristics under various operating conditions, reducing harmonic distortion to less than 3% and increasing the power factor to over 0.98. Compared with traditional single-treatment approaches, the coordinated control strategy presented in this study not only enhances overall system performance but also reduces equipment investment costs, offering significant technical and economic advantages. Additionally, the research innovatively incorporates an intelligent prediction mechanism that adjusts control parameters in advance according to load variation trends, further enhancing system robustness and adaptability, thus providing new insights and technical support for the efficient and stable operation of power systems.
Keyword:Harmonic Mitigation Reactive Power Compensation Adaptive Filtering Algorithm
目 录
引言 1
1谐波与无功的基本理论 1
1.1谐波的产生与特性分析 1
1.2无功功率的概念与影响 2
1.3谐波与无功的相互作用 2
2谐波治理技术研究 3
2.1主动谐波治理方法 3
2.2被动谐波治理手段 3
2.3治理效果评估指标 4
3无功补偿策略分析 4
3.1静态无功补偿装置 4
3.2动态无功补偿技术 5
3.3补偿容量优化配置 6
4协调控制方案设计 6
4.1控制目标与约束条件 6
4.2多目标优化算法应用 7
4.3实时协调控制策略 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10