
摘    要


关键词:高压直流输电  谐波抑制技术  多模块化多电平换流器

  As the scale of power systems continues to expand and the requirements for power quality become increasingly stringent, harmonic issues in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems have become more prominent, severely affecting system stability and equipment safety. This study focuses on harmonic suppression techniques in HVDC transmission systems, aiming to explore effective methods to ensure efficient and stable system operation. By integrating theoretical analysis, simulation modeling, and experimental validation, this research delves into harmonic suppression strategies based on novel topological structures and advanced control algorithms. The results indicate that the combination of multi-modular multilevel converters with adaptive harmonic compensation algorithms can significantly reduce harmonic content in the system, thereby improving power quality. Additionally, a predictive maintenance mechanism based on deep learning is proposed, which can identify potential harmonic sources in advance and implement preventive measures, representing a key innovation of this study. Furthermore, a comprehensive harmonic evaluation system has been established, providing reliable reference criteria for practical engineering applications. This research not only offers new ideas and technical means to address harmonic problems in HVDC transmission systems but also holds significant implications for the development of smart grids.

Keyword:High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission  Harmonic Suppression Technology Multi-Module Multilevel Converter

目  录
引言 1
1高压直流输电系统谐波特性分析 1
1.1谐波产生机理研究 1
1.2谐波传播路径分析 2
1.3谐波对系统影响评估 2
2现有谐波抑制技术综述 3
2.1传统滤波器技术评价 3
2.2主动抑制方法探讨 3
2.3新型抑制技术进展 4
3基于控制策略的谐波抑制 4
3.1控制算法优化设计 4
3.2实时监测与反馈机制 5
3.3控制效果仿真验证 5
4工程应用中的谐波抑制实践 6
4.1实际工程案例分析 6
4.2抑制方案实施效果 6
4.3经济效益与社会效益 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10



