
摘    要


关键词:农田水污染  非点源污染  生态修复技术

  Agricultural water pollution is a critical factor constraining the sustainable development of agriculture. Accelerated industrialization and urbanization have exposed agricultural water bodies to various pollutants, posing severe threats to the quality of agricultural products and ecological environment safety. This study aims to systematically analyze the causes of agricultural water pollution and propose targeted mitigation strategies to provide scientific evidence for improving water quality in farmlands. By integrating field sampling and monitoring in typical polluted areas with laboratory analysis, and utilizing remote sensing technology and geographic information systems for precise source localization and quantitative assessment, the results indicate that agricultural water pollution primarily originates from non-point sources such as excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, discharge of livestock and poultry farming waste, and direct discharge of rural domestic sewage, with nitrogen and phosphorus levels being particularly excessive. An innovative integrated prevention and control system combining ecological restoration techniques and engineering measures has been constructed, encompassing the promotion of green planting models, optimization of irrigation systems, and construction of artificial wetlands. Case studies validate the effectiveness of this system, demonstrating its capability to reduce pollutant inflow into rivers by over 30%, significantly enhancing the water environment quality in farmlands. This research provides new insights and technical support for controlling non-point source pollution in agriculture, offering important theoretical significance and practical value.

Keyword:Agricultural Water Pollution  Non-Point Source Pollution  Ecological Restoration Technology

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1农田水污染研究的背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3本文研究方法与技术路线 1
2农田水污染的主要成因分析 2
2.1化肥农药使用的影响 2
2.2生活污水排放问题 2
2.3工业废水污染途径 3
2.4农业废弃物处理不当 3
3农田水污染的生态影响评估 4
3.1土壤质量退化分析 4
3.2水体富营养化现象 4
3.3农产品安全风险 5
3.4生态系统服务功能受损 5
4农田水污染治理对策研究 6
4.1源头控制措施探讨 6
4.2清洁生产技术推广 6
4.3生态修复工程应用 7
4.4政策法规保障体系 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10