

摘    要


关键词:传感器技术  机械电子工程  智能传感器

  With the continuous improvement of modern industrial automation level, the demand for sensor technology in the field of mechanical and electronic engineering is increasing. This paper aims to explore the research and application of sensor technology in mechanical and electronic engineering, by analyzing the working principle, performance characteristics and characteristics of different types of sensors and their application in practical engineering, in order to provide reference for the research and practice in related fields. Based on the method of combining theoretical analysis and experimental verification, typical application scenarios such as precision measurement and fault diagnosis are selected for in-depth research. The results show that the new intelligent sensor has significant advantages in improving the system accuracy, reliability and intelligence degree, especially in the small displacement detection and the adaptability to complex environment.

Keyword:Sensor Technology  Mechatronic Engineering  Intelligent Sensor

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1传感器技术研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 2
2传感器原理及分类 2
2.1传感器工作原理分析 2
2.2传感器分类及其特点 3
2.3常用传感器选型原则 3
3传感器在机械电子工程中的应用 4
3.1工业自动化中的应用 4
3.2智能制造中的应用 5
3.3精密测量中的应用 5
4传感器技术的创新与发展 6
4.1新型传感器技术研发 6
4.2传感器网络构建与优化 6
4.3未来发展趋势展望 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
