摘 要
医学影像三维重建技术作为现代医学诊断的重要工具,近年来在临床应用中展现出显著优势。本研究旨在探讨三维重建技术的核心算法及其在临床诊断中的实际应用价值,以期为精准医疗提供技术支持。研究采用基于深度学习的多模态影像融合方法,结合改进的Marching Cubes算法和自适应阈值分割技术,实现了对CT、MRI等医学影像的高精度三维重建。实验结果表明,所提出的算法在重建精度和计算效率方面均优于传统方法,平均重建误差降低至0.15mm以下,处理时间缩短约30%。通过临床案例分析,验证了该技术在肿瘤定位、手术规划和个性化治疗中的重要作用,特别是在复杂解剖结构的可视化方面表现出独特优势。
关键词:医学影像三维重建 深度学习 多模态影像融合
As an important tool of modern medical diagnosis, 3 D reconstruction technology of medical imaging has shown significant advantages in clinical application in recent years. The aim of this study is to explore the core algorithm of 3 D reconstruction technology and its practical application value in clinical diagnosis, in order to provide technical support for precision medicine. Deep learning-based multimodal image fusion method, combined with improved Marching Cubes algorithm and adaptive threshold segmentation technology, was used to realize the high-precision 3 D reconstruction of medical images such as CT and MRI. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperformed the conventional methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy and computational efficiency, with the average reconstruction error reduced to less than 0.15mm and with the processing time shortened by about 30%. The clinical case analysis verified the important role of this technique in tumor localization, surgical planning, and personalized treatment, especially showing unique advantages in the visualization of complex anatomical structures.
Keyword:And 3 D reconstruction of medical imaging deep learning Multimodal image fusion
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
2医学影像三维重建关键技术分析 1
2.1基于CT图像的三维重建算法研究 2
2.2MRI影像的三维可视化技术进展 2
2.3超声影像的三维重建方法比较 3
2.4多模态影像融合重建技术探讨 3
3三维重建技术在临床诊断中的应用研究 4
3.1心血管疾病诊断中的三维重建应用 4
3.2肿瘤诊疗中的三维可视化技术应用 4
3.3骨科手术规划中的三维重建应用 5
3.4神经外科导航中的三维影像应用 5
4医学影像三维重建技术的发展趋势与挑战 6
4.1AI技术在医学影像三维重建中的应用前景 6
4.2VR/AR技术与医学影像的深度融合 6
4.35G时代下的远程医疗与三维影像传输 7
4.4医学影像三维重建技术的伦理与安全问题探讨 7
5结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
摘 要
医学影像三维重建技术作为现代医学诊断的重要工具,近年来在临床应用中展现出显著优势。本研究旨在探讨三维重建技术的核心算法及其在临床诊断中的实际应用价值,以期为精准医疗提供技术支持。研究采用基于深度学习的多模态影像融合方法,结合改进的Marching Cubes算法和自适应阈值分割技术,实现了对CT、MRI等医学影像的高精度三维重建。实验结果表明,所提出的算法在重建精度和计算效率方面均优于传统方法,平均重建误差降低至0.15mm以下,处理时间缩短约30%。通过临床案例分析,验证了该技术在肿瘤定位、手术规划和个性化治疗中的重要作用,特别是在复杂解剖结构的可视化方面表现出独特优势。
关键词:医学影像三维重建 深度学习 多模态影像融合
As an important tool of modern medical diagnosis, 3 D reconstruction technology of medical imaging has shown significant advantages in clinical application in recent years. The aim of this study is to explore the core algorithm of 3 D reconstruction technology and its practical application value in clinical diagnosis, in order to provide technical support for precision medicine. Deep learning-based multimodal image fusion method, combined with improved Marching Cubes algorithm and adaptive threshold segmentation technology, was used to realize the high-precision 3 D reconstruction of medical images such as CT and MRI. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperformed the conventional methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy and computational efficiency, with the average reconstruction error reduced to less than 0.15mm and with the processing time shortened by about 30%. The clinical case analysis verified the important role of this technique in tumor localization, surgical planning, and personalized treatment, especially showing unique advantages in the visualization of complex anatomical structures.
Keyword:And 3 D reconstruction of medical imaging deep learning Multimodal image fusion
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
2医学影像三维重建关键技术分析 1
2.1基于CT图像的三维重建算法研究 2
2.2MRI影像的三维可视化技术进展 2
2.3超声影像的三维重建方法比较 3
2.4多模态影像融合重建技术探讨 3
3三维重建技术在临床诊断中的应用研究 4
3.1心血管疾病诊断中的三维重建应用 4
3.2肿瘤诊疗中的三维可视化技术应用 4
3.3骨科手术规划中的三维重建应用 5
3.4神经外科导航中的三维影像应用 5
4医学影像三维重建技术的发展趋势与挑战 6
4.1AI技术在医学影像三维重建中的应用前景 6
4.2VR/AR技术与医学影像的深度融合 6
4.35G时代下的远程医疗与三维影像传输 7
4.4医学影像三维重建技术的伦理与安全问题探讨 7
5结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10