

摘    要


关键词:心血管疾病  血流动力学  动脉粥样硬化斑块

As the main cause of death worldwide, the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease is closely related with the hemodynamic characteristics. Based on this study, we used computational fluid mechanics (CFD) simulation and in vitro experiments to systematically analyze the hemodynamic characteristics of atherosclerotic plaque formation and its mechanical influence on the vascular wall. The three-dimensional vascular model with the degrees of different stenosis was constructed, and then the distribution pattern of key parameters such as blood flow velocity and wall shear stress were obtained through numerical simulation. At the same time, a new cardiopulmonary bypass experimental platform was designed and developed to realize the real-time monitoring of vessel wall stress distribution. The results showed that the low wall shear stress area showed a significant correlation with the high incidence of plaque areas, and the pulsatile pressure at a specific frequency could effectively inhibit plaque growth. Based on the above findings, this study proposes a novel therapeutic strategy combining targeted drug delivery and mechanical stimulation, which significantly improves the therapeutic efficacy by optimizing the dosing regimen and applying mechanical vibration at a specific frequency. 

Keyword:Cardiovascular Disease  Hemodynamics  Atherosclerotic Plaque

目    录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
2心血管系统生物力学特性分析 2
2.1血管壁力学特性及其影响因素 2
2.2血流动力学特征与病理机制 2
2.3心脏力学性能评估方法 3
3心血管疾病生物力学模型构建 3
3.1动脉粥样硬化生物力学模型 3
3.2心力衰竭的力学仿真分析 4
3.3支架植入后的血流动力学模拟 5
4基于生物力学的治疗策略优化 5
4.1个性化介入治疗方案设计 5
4.2药物释放系统的力学优化 6
4.3康复训练的生物力学指导方案 7
5结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10

