


With the rapid development of social media platforms, personalized recommendation algorithms play a crucial role in enhancing user experience and platform engagement. This study addresses the limitations of existing recommendation systems, such as incomplete user interest capture and insufficient recommendation diversity, by proposing a deep reinforcement learning recommendation algorithm fr amework based on multimodal data fusion. The research first constructs a multidimensional data model incorporating user behavior, social relationships, and content features, utilizing graph neural networks to extract high-order features from user-item interactions. Subsequently, an attention-based feature fusion module is designed to effectively integrate multimodal information including text and images. Finally, a reinforcement learning mechanism is introduced to optimize long-term user satisfaction while maintaining recommendation accuracy. Experiments conducted on datasets from mainstream social platforms such as Twitter and Instagram demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves a 15.3% improvement in core metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) compared to traditional collaborative filtering algorithms, and a 7.8% improvement over deep learning baseline models. Notably, the algorithm exhibits outstanding performance in recommendation novelty and diversity, effectively mitigating the filter bubble effect. The study innovatively combines multimodal feature fusion with reinforcement learning, providing a new technical pathway for personalized recommendations on social media platforms. The research outcomes not only enrich the theoretical system of recommendation algorithms but also offer significant reference value for algorithm optimization in practical application scenarios.

Keywords: Personalized Recommendation Algorithm; Multimodal Data Fusion; Deep Reinforcement Learning

目  录

摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)社交媒体平台个性化推荐算法研究背景 1
(二)个性化推荐算法研究现状分析 1
(三)研究方法与创新点 2
二、个性化推荐算法理论基础 3
(一)推荐系统基本概念与分类 3
(二)协同过滤算法原理与应用 3
(三)基于内容的推荐算法分析 4
三、社交媒体平台特征分析 1
(一)社交媒体数据特征与挑战 1
(二)用户行为数据采集与处理 1
(三)社交关系网络对推荐的影响 2
四、个性化推荐算法优化策略 3
(一)冷启动问题解决方案比较 3
(二)推荐多样性提升方法研究 3
(三)用户隐私保护机制设计 4
结 论 5

参考文献 6




