With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing complexity of enterprise financial management needs, the application of intelligent financial analysis systems in budget management has gradually become a research hotspot. This study aims to explore how financial analysis systems based on artificial intelligence technology can optimize budget management processes and enhance the efficiency and accuracy of budget preparation, execution, and monitoring. By integrating machine learning algorithms, big data analytics, and natural language processing technologies, the system is capable of conducting in-depth mining and intelligent analysis of financial data, thereby providing a scientific basis for budgetary decision-making. An empirical analysis approach is adopted in this study, with a large enterprise selected as a case ob ject for comparative analysis between traditional budget management models and the implementation of the intelligent system, thus verifying the practical effectiveness of the latter. The results indicate that the intelligent financial analysis system not only significantly improves the precision of budget preparation but also substantially reduces the budget cycle while strengthening dynamic monitoring capabilities during the budget execution process. Additionally, the system features adaptive learning functionality, enabling continuous optimization of predictive models over time, which represents one of its core innovations compared to conventional methods. The primary contribution of this study lies in being the first to integrate multidimensional intelligent technologies into the field of budget management, offering modern enterprises a novel solution for financial management while establishing both theoretical and practical foundations for subsequent related research.
Keywords:Intelligent Financial Analysis System; Budget Management; Machine Learning; Big Data Analysis; Natural Language Processing
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 智能财务分析系统应用背景 1
(二) 预算管理中的研究意义 1
(三) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(四) 本文研究方法与技术路线 2
二、智能财务分析系统的功能框架 2
(一) 系统架构设计与预算管理需求 2
(二) 数据采集与预处理在预算中的作用 3
(三) 分析模型构建及其预算支持功能 3
(四) 系统运行机制与预算流程优化 4
三、智能财务分析系统在预算编制中的应用 4
(一) 预算编制的数据驱动模式 4
(二) 历史数据分析对预算编制的影响 5
(三) 智能预测模型在预算编制中的实践 5
(四) 编制效率提升与准确性保障 6
四、智能财务分析系统在预算执行与控制中的应用 6
(一) 实时监控与预算偏差分析 6
(二) 动态调整机制的设计与实施 7
(三) 风险预警功能在预算控制中的作用 8
(四) 执行数据反馈与系统优化 8
结 论 10
参考文献 11