Earnings management in listed companies, as a significant research topic in the field of finance, has drawn considerable attention due to its impact on capital market efficiency and resource allocation. This study investigates the means of earnings management and their market reactions by systematically reviewing the existing theoretical fr amework and incorporating the unique institutional background of China's capital market. It explores the commonly used methods of earnings management in enterprises and their mechanisms of influence on investor decision-making and market pricing. Using financial data from A-share listed companies between 2015 and 2022, this research constructs a multiple regression model to analyze the relationships between various earnings management techniques (such as accruals manipulation and real activities management) and market reaction indicators (such as stock returns and trading volume volatility), while introducing corporate governance levels and external regulatory intensity as moderating variables. The findings indicate that accruals manipulation significantly affects short-term market reactions, whereas real activities management may lead to more persistent negative effects. Moreover, higher levels of corporate governance can effectively suppress inappropriate earnings management behaviors, thereby improving the quality of market reactions. The novelty of this study lies in its comparative analysis of different earnings management techniques and its revelation of heterogeneous market reaction characteristics, while emphasizing the critical role of internal and external governance mechanisms in alleviating information asymmetry. The conclusions not only enrich the theoretical implications of earnings management but also provide empirical evidence for regulatory authorities to optimize policy design and for investors to enhance their risk identification capabilities.
Keywords:Earnings Management; Market Reaction; Corporate Governance; Accruals Adjustment; Real Activities Manipulation
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 上市公司盈余管理的研究背景 1
(二) 盈余管理与市场反应的研究意义 1
(三) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(四) 本文研究方法与结构安排 2
二、盈余管理手段的分类与特征 2
(一) 常见盈余管理手段概述 2
(二) 会计政策选择与盈余管理 3
(三) 关联交易中的盈余操控行为 3
三、盈余管理对市场反应的影响机制 4
(一) 市场信息不对称与盈余管理 4
(二) 投资者行为对盈余管理的反应 5
(三) 盈余管理与股价波动的关系 5
四、实证分析与案例研究 6
(一) 数据来源与研究设计 6
(二) 盈余管理手段的实证检验 6
(三) 典型案例分析与市场反应评估 7
结 论 8
参考文献 9