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摘  要:随着社会进步与健康意识提升,终身体育理念逐渐成为现代教育的重要组成部分,而高校作为培养终身体育习惯的关键阶段,其作用不容忽视。本研究旨在探讨高校体育教育中如何有效培养学生的终身体育习惯,通过问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的方式,对某地区三所高校的1200名学生展开调研,并结合体育教师的实践经验进行分析。研究发现,当前高校体育教育存在课程设计单一、课外体育活动缺乏引导以及学生自主性不足等问题,这些问题在一定程度上阻碍了终身体育习惯的形成。为此,本研究提出以个性化课程体系为核心,辅以多元化体育活动和数字化管理平台的创新模式,从而激发学生参与体育活动的内在动力。研究表明,该模式能够显著提高学生的体育参与度与持续性,为高校体育教育改革提供了新思路。本研究的主要贡献在于将终身体育理念与具体实践路径相结合,为促进学生全面发展及终身健康奠定了理论与实践基础。


Abstract:With the advancement of society and the increasing awareness of health, the concept of lifelong sports has gradually become an essential component of modern education. Universities, as a critical stage for cultivating lifelong sports habits, play an indispensable role in this process. This study aims to explore how effective lifelong sports habits can be developed among students in university physical education. By employing a combination of questionnaires and in-depth interviews, research was conducted on 1,200 students from three universities in a specific region, supplemented by an analysis of physical education teachers' practical experiences. The findings reveal that current university physical education faces challenges such as a单一 course design, insufficient guidance for extracurricular sports activities, and a lack of student autonomy, all of which hinder the formation of lifelong sports habits to some extent. In response, this study proposes an innovative model centered on a personalized curriculum system, supported by diversified sports activities and a digital management platform, aiming to stimulate students' intrinsic motivation for participating in sports. The research demonstrates that this model significantly enhances students' participation and continuity in sports activities, offering new insights for the reform of university physical education. The primary contribution of this study lies in integrating the concept of lifelong sports with concrete practical approaches, thereby establishing both theoretical and practical foundations for promoting students' overall development and lifelong health.

Keywords: Lifetime Sports Habit;College Physical Education;Personalized Curriculum System;Diversified Sports Activities;Digital Management Platform
目  录
引言 1
一、高校体育教育现状分析 1
(一)高校体育课程设置特点 1
(二)学生参与体育活动现状 2
(三)体育教育存在的问题与挑战 2
二、终身体育习惯的理论基础 3
(一)终身体育的概念与内涵 3
(二)国内外相关研究进展 3
(三)理论框架对实践的指导意义 4
三、培养终身体育习惯的关键策略 4
(一)课程设计与教学方法创新 4
(二)校园体育文化的构建与推广 5
(三)科技手段在体育教育中的应用 5
四、实施效果评估与优化路径 6
(一)学生体育行为变化分析 6
(二)教师角色转变与能力提升 6
(三)政策支持与制度保障研究 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9




