摘 要:随着我国体育事业的快速发展,中学体育教学中对体育特长生的培养逐渐成为教育领域的热点问题。本研究旨在探讨适合我国中学体育特长生的培养模式,以提升其运动技能和综合素质。研究采用文献分析法、问卷调查法和案例研究法相结合的方式,选取了全国范围内多所中学的体育特长生及其指导教师作为研究对象。通过对现有培养模式的深入分析,发现传统教学模式在个性化发展和竞技水平提升方面存在不足。研究提出了一种基于“分层教学+专项训练+多元评价”的新型培养模式,强调因材施教与全面发展相结合。结果表明,该模式能够显著提高体育特长生的技术水平和心理素质,并促进其学业成绩的同步提升。本研究的主要创新点在于将多元化评价体系融入培养过程,为体育特长生提供了更为科学的成长路径,同时为中学体育教学改革提供了理论支持与实践参考。
Abstract:With the rapid development of China's sports industry, the cultivation of athletically gifted students in secondary school physical education has gradually become a focal issue in the educational domain. This study aims to explore a suitable training model for athletically gifted students in Chinese secondary schools to enhance their athletic skills and overall quality. By employing a combination of literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and case studies, this research selected athletically gifted students and their coaching teachers from multiple secondary schools across the country as research subjects. Through an in-depth analysis of existing training models, it was found that traditional teaching models are insufficient in promoting individualized development and competitive performance improvement. This study proposes a new training model based on "tiered instruction + specialized training + diversified evaluation," emphasizing tailored teaching combined with holistic development. The results indicate that this model significantly improves the technical proficiency and psychological resilience of athletically gifted students while also promoting synchronous enhancement of their academic performance. A primary innovation of this study lies in integrating a diversified evaluation system into the training process, providing a more scientific growth path for athletically gifted students and offering theoretical support and practical references for the reform of secondary school physical education.
Keywords: Sports Talents;Training Model;Layered Teaching;Diversified Evaluation;Specialized Training
目 录
引言 1
一、体育特长生培养的理论基础 1
(一)体育特长生的概念界定 1
(二)中学体育教学的基本特征 2
(三)培养模式的理论支撑 2
二、当前体育特长生培养现状分析 3
(一)培养模式的实践现状 3
(二)存在的主要问题与挑战 3
(三)影响因素的深入剖析 4
三、体育特长生培养模式的设计原则 4
(一)目标导向与个性化发展 4
(二)教学内容的选择与优化 4
(三)评价体系的构建与实施 5
四、体育特长生培养模式的实践路径 5
(一)校本课程的开发与应用 5
(二)师资队伍建设与专业提升 6
(三)家校合作与社会支持 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8
Abstract:With the rapid development of China's sports industry, the cultivation of athletically gifted students in secondary school physical education has gradually become a focal issue in the educational domain. This study aims to explore a suitable training model for athletically gifted students in Chinese secondary schools to enhance their athletic skills and overall quality. By employing a combination of literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and case studies, this research selected athletically gifted students and their coaching teachers from multiple secondary schools across the country as research subjects. Through an in-depth analysis of existing training models, it was found that traditional teaching models are insufficient in promoting individualized development and competitive performance improvement. This study proposes a new training model based on "tiered instruction + specialized training + diversified evaluation," emphasizing tailored teaching combined with holistic development. The results indicate that this model significantly improves the technical proficiency and psychological resilience of athletically gifted students while also promoting synchronous enhancement of their academic performance. A primary innovation of this study lies in integrating a diversified evaluation system into the training process, providing a more scientific growth path for athletically gifted students and offering theoretical support and practical references for the reform of secondary school physical education.
Keywords: Sports Talents;Training Model;Layered Teaching;Diversified Evaluation;Specialized Training
目 录
引言 1
一、体育特长生培养的理论基础 1
(一)体育特长生的概念界定 1
(二)中学体育教学的基本特征 2
(三)培养模式的理论支撑 2
二、当前体育特长生培养现状分析 3
(一)培养模式的实践现状 3
(二)存在的主要问题与挑战 3
(三)影响因素的深入剖析 4
三、体育特长生培养模式的设计原则 4
(一)目标导向与个性化发展 4
(二)教学内容的选择与优化 4
(三)评价体系的构建与实施 5
四、体育特长生培养模式的实践路径 5
(一)校本课程的开发与应用 5
(二)师资队伍建设与专业提升 6
(三)家校合作与社会支持 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8