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摘  要:随着社会的快速发展,中小学生面临的学习压力和心理问题日益突出,体育运动作为促进心理健康的重要手段,其作用机制和实际效果亟待深入探讨。本研究旨在通过实证分析,揭示体育运动对中小学生心理健康的具体影响及其潜在机制。研究选取了来自全国12所中小学的1500名学生作为样本,采用问卷调查与实验干预相结合的方法,从情绪调节、社交能力及自我效能感三个维度进行评估。研究结果表明,规律性参与体育运动的学生在焦虑、抑郁等负面情绪上的表现显著低于非参与者,同时其社交能力和自我效能感均呈现较高水平。此外,本研究首次引入“运动强度-心理效应”模型,发现中高强度的有氧运动对改善心理健康具有更显著的效果。这一创新性发现为制定针对性的体育干预措施提供了理论支持。总体而言,本研究不仅验证了体育运动对中小学生心理健康的积极作用,还明确了不同运动形式的心理效益差异,为学校体育政策的优化和心理健康教育的实践提供了重要参考。

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Physical Exercise on the Mental Health of Middle and Primary School Students
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:With the rapid development of society, academic pressure and psychological issues among primary and secondary school students have become increasingly prominent. As an important means of promoting mental health, the underlying mechanisms and practical effects of physical activity require further exploration. This study aims to reveal the specific impacts of physical activity on the mental health of primary and secondary school students and its potential mechanisms through empirical analysis. A sample of 1,500 students from 12 schools across the country was selected, and a combination of questionnaire surveys and experimental interventions was employed to evaluate the effects of physical activity from three dimensions: emotion regulation, social skills, and self-efficacy. The results indicate that students who regularly participate in physical activity exhibit significantly lower levels of negative emotions such as anxiety and depression compared to non-participants, while also demonstrating higher levels of social skills and self-efficacy. Additionally, this study introduces the "Exercise Intensity-Psychological Effect" model for the first time, revealing that moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise has a more pronounced effect on improving mental health. This innovative finding provides theoretical support for the development of targeted physical intervention measures. Overall, this study not only confirms the positive role of physical activity in promoting the mental health of primary and secondary school students but also clarifies the psychological benefits of different forms of exercise, offering significant references for optimizing school sports policies and advancing the practice of mental health education.
Keywords: Mental Health Of Primary And Secondary School Students;Physical Education Intervention;Emotional Regulation;Social Skills;Exercise Intensity-Psychological Effect Model
目  录
引言 1
一、体育运动与中小学生心理健康的关系 1
(一)中小学生心理健康现状分析 1
(二)体育运动的基本概念与分类 2
(三)体育运动对心理健康的理论基础 2
二、体育运动对中小学生情绪调节的影响 3
(一)情绪调节的定义与重要性 3
(二)体育运动对情绪改善的作用机制 4
(三)不同类型运动对情绪调节的效果比较 4
三、体育运动对中小学生压力应对能力的提升 4
(一)压力应对能力的概念与评估方法 5
(二)体育运动缓解学业压力的实证研究 5
(三)运动强度与压力应对效果的关系 6
四、体育运动促进中小学生社会适应能力的发展 6
(一)社会适应能力的核心要素 6
(二)团体运动对社交技能的培养作用 7
(三)个体运动与社会适应能力的关系 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9



