

摘    要


关键词:重商主义  新重商主义  全球贸易不平衡

  As an important origin of international trade theory, the core thought of mercantilist has undergone a profound evolution under the background of contemporary globalization. The aim of this study is to explore the manifestation of mercantilism in modern international trade and its influence on the global economic pattern. Based on the method of combining historical analysis and empirical research, this paper summarizes the transformation process of mercantilism from the traditional pursuit of trade surplus to modern industrial policy and value chain competition, and reveals its concrete embodiment in global governance, regional economic cooperation and inter-country competition through case analysis. Research shows that the contemporary mercantilism has gone beyond the simple goal of trade surplus, and is more reflected in the competition for technology dominance, the construction of supply chain security and the rule-making of emerging markets. The study found that some countries have strengthened their competitive advantages through strategic industrial policies and bilateral or multilateral agreements, but also intensified the global trade imbalance and interest conflicts between regions.

Keyword:Mercantilism  New Mercantilism  Global Trade Imbalance

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1重商主义研究的背景与意义 1
1.2当代国际贸易中重商主义的研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与理论框架 1
2重商主义的历史渊源与现代演变 2
2.1古典重商主义的核心思想 2
2.2新重商主义的理论特征 2
2.3当代重商主义的演变路径 3
3重商主义在当代国际贸易中的实践表现 4
3.1贸易保护政策的实施与影响 4
3.2国家竞争优势的构建与维护 4
3.3全球价值链中的重商主义策略 5
4重商主义对国际贸易格局的影响分析 5
4.1区域贸易协定中的重商主义倾向 5
4.2发达国家与发展中国家的利益博弈 6
4.3全球经济治理中的挑战与机遇 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9




