

摘    要


关键词:跨国公司  技术转移  直接投资

  With the deepening development of economic globalization, multinational corporations, as an important carrier of technology transfer, play an irreplaceable role in promoting international technological innovation and industrial upgrading. This study takes the technology transfer of multinational companies as the entry point to systematically explore the main models and their economic effects on the host and home countries. By constructing a theoretical fr amework and combining with empirical analysis methods, this paper uses the panel data model. The study found that the technology transfer of multinational companies is mainly manifested in three modes: direct investment, license trade and technology cooperation, and the contribution of different modes to economic growth is significantly different. Specifically, the direct investment model has a significant effect in promoting employment growth and industrial structure optimization in the host country, while the technical cooperation model is more conducive to improving the technology spillover effect of the home country. In addition, this study innovatively introduced the intermediary variable of technology absorption capacity, which revealed the regulatory effect of technology transfer in the host country. Research shows that only when the host country has a high technology absorption capacity, the positive economic effect of the technology transfer of multinational companies can be fully played.

Keyword:Multinational Corporation  Technology Transfer  Direct Investment

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1跨国公司技术转移的研究背景 1
1.2技术转移与经济效应的研究意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状分析 1
1.4 研究目的和内容 2
2跨国公司技术转移的主要模式 2
2.1直接投资与技术转移模式 2
2.2许可协议与技术转移路径 3
2.3合资合作与技术转移形式 3
3技术转移对经济发展的效应分析 4
3.1生产力提升的直接效应 4
3.2创新能力的溢出效应 4
3.3就业与产业结构优化的影响 5
4影响技术转移效果的关键因素 5
4.1政策环境对技术转移的作用 5
4.2知识产权保护的重要性 6
4.3受让方吸收能力的制约因素 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9




