





  With the increasing complexity of economic environments and intensifying market competition, the frequent occurrence of corporate financial crises has posed severe challenges to economic development. Consequently, constructing a scientifically robust and effective financial crisis early warning system has become a shared focus for both academia and practice. This study aims to enhance the capability of financial crisis early warning by integrating multivariate statistical analysis with machine learning techniques, incorporating both financial and non-financial indicators into a dynamic and intelligent model fr amework. A sample of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2022 was selected, and principal component analysis was employed to screen key variables, while the support vector machine algorithm was utilized to optimize classification performance. The results demonstrate that, compared with traditional single-model approaches, this early warning system achieves significant improvements in both accuracy and timeliness, enabling the identification of potential financial risks several accounting periods in advance. Furthermore, the study reveals that non-financial indicators, such as market performance and managerial behavior, play a crucial role in prediction, thereby enriching the existing theoretical fr amework. The primary innovation of this research lies in the integration of dynamic monitoring mechanisms with intelligent algorithms, which overcomes the limitations of static analysis. Simultaneously, it provides practical guidance for enterprise risk management, enhancing the scientific rigor and foresight of decision-making. This achievement not only holds substantial application value for individual enterprises but also offers reference for industry supervision and policy formulation.

Keywords:Financial Crisis Early Warning; Machine Learning; Non-Financial Indicators

目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 企业财务危机预警研究背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状分析 1
(三) 研究方法与技术路线 2
二、财务危机预警系统理论基础 2
(一) 财务危机的概念与特征 2
(二) 预警系统的理论框架 3
(三) 关键指标体系的构建原则 3
三、财务危机预警模型的设计与实现 4
(一) 数据采集与预处理方法 4
(二) 预警模型的选择与优化 5
(三) 模型验证与效果评估 5
四、财务危机预警系统的应用实践 6
(一) 实证案例的选择与背景介绍 6
(二) 预警系统的实施过程分析 6
(三) 应用效果评价与改进建议 7
结 论 9
参考文献 10




