摘 要
Tragic Beauty in "Dou E Yuan"
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As the representative work of Guan Hanqing, a dramatist in the Yuan Dynasty, Dou E Yuan plays an important role in the history of Chinese literature with its profound tragic connotation and strong humanistic concern. This study takes Dou E Yuan as the starting point to explore its tragic aesthetic value, aiming to reveal the conflict between individual fate and social environment in the work and its profound reflection on human nature. Through the research method of combining the close reading of the text and the analysis of the cultural context, this paper discusses the drama structure, characterization and emotional ex pression from three dimensions, and analyzes the social critical significance and ethical appeals carried by the tragic image of Dou E. The tragic beauty of Dou E Injustice is not only reflected in the injustice and struggle of Dou E's personal fate, but also reflected the oppression of human nature by the feudal social system and the helplessness and cry of the people at the bottom. This paper innovatively integrates traditional opera aesthetics with modern tragedy theory, and puts forward the concept of "tragic tension" to explain the unity of opposites between justice and evil, ideal and reality in the works. This research provides a new perspective for the understanding of tragedy aesthetics in traditional Chinese opera and expands the theoretical fr amework in related fields.
Keywords: Dou E Yuan;Tragic Aesthetics;Social Criticism;Tragic Tension;Human Nature Oppression
目 录
引言 1
一、悲剧美的文化根源 1
(一)元杂剧中的悲剧传统 1
(二)文化语境与悲剧意识 2
二、窦娥形象的悲剧塑造 2
(一)窦娥的性格特征分析 2
(二)不公命运对人物的压迫 3
(三)悲剧冲突中的女性形象 3
三、悲剧情节的艺术表现 4
(一)情节结构的张力构建 4
(二)不公审判的戏剧性呈现 5
(三)天地人三者关系的隐喻 5
四、悲剧美的审美价值 6
(一)悲剧美对观众的情感冲击 6
(二)社会批判与人性反思 6
(三)悲剧美的永恒意义 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9