
摘  要



Construction of Landscape Plant Communities and Biodiversity Conservation


The construction of garden plant community is closely related to the conservation of biodiversity. With the acceleration of urbanization, urban green space has become an important carrier to maintain biodiversity. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of garden plant community construction on biodiversity conservation and its optimization path, in order to provide theoretical basis for urban ecological construction. Reasonable plant community construction can significantly improve the richness and uniformity of species, promote the co-evolution of organisms of different trophic levels, and form a stable and efficient ecosystem. An innovative community construction model based on the principle of native species priority was proposed, emphasizing that human intervention in the process of natural succession should follow the ecological law to avoid the ecological risk caused by the invasion of alien species. This model not only helps to maintain a high level of biodiversity, but also plays a positive role in enhancing the aesthetic value of landscape, providing a new way to achieve the goal of urban sustainable development. In addition, the study found that different types of green space have different functions in biodiversity conservation, and it is suggested to formulate personalized community construction schemes according to different regional characteristics to achieve the best ecological benefits. This study deepens the understanding of the mechanism of garden plant community construction, provides scientific guidance for urban green space planning and management, and has important theoretical significance and practical value.

KEY WORDS:Biodiversity Conservation;Garden Plant Community Construction;Urban Green Space;Native Species Priority

目  录

摘  要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

第二章 园林植物群落构建原理 2

2.1 植物群落生态学基础 2

2.2 群落构建的关键要素 2

2.3 构建技术与实践案例 2

第三章 生物多样性在园林中的体现 4

3.1 物种多样性的衡量指标 4

3.2 遗传多样性的保护策略 4

3.3 生态系统服务功能分析 5

第四章 园林植物群落的管理与维护 6

4.1 群落演替规律研究 6

4.2 可持续管理模式探讨 6

4.3 管理技术的应用效果 7

结  论 8

参考文献 9

致  谢 10

