摘 要
随着城市化进程的加速,城市内涝和雨水径流污染等问题日益严重,雨水花园作为一种低影响开发设施,在城市园林中具有重要的应用价值。本研究旨在探讨雨水花园在城市园林中的应用模式及其生态效益,选取典型城市园林区域构建雨水花园示范工程,并对其水质净化、雨水调蓄、生物多样性保护等生态功能进行系统评估。结果表明,雨水花园能够有效削减雨水径流量,平均削减率可达30% - 50%,对SS、TN、TP等污染物有显著去除效果,去除率分别达到60%、40%、50%左右;同时为鸟类、昆虫等提供栖息地,增加园林生物多样性。创新点在于构建了适用于不同城市园林场景的雨水花园设计模型,提出了基于本地植物群落配置的优化方案,实现了景观美学与生态功能的有机统一,为城市园林绿色基础设施建设提供了科学依据和技术支持,有助于推动海绵城市建设与发展。
Application and Ecological Benefit Evaluation of Rain Gardens in Urban Landscaping
With the acceleration of urbanization, problems such as urban waterlogging and rainwater runoff pollution are becoming more and more serious. As a low-impact development facility, rainwater gardens have important application value in urban gardens. The purpose of this study is to explore the application model and ecological benefits of rain gardens in urban gardens, select a typical urban garden area to build a rain garden demonstration project, and systematically evaluate its ecological functions such as water purification, rain water regulation and storage, and biodiversity protection. The results show that the rain garden can effectively reduce the rainwater runoff, the average reduction rate can reach 30%-50%, and the SS, TN, TP and other pollutants can be significantly removed, with the removal rate reaching 60%, 40%, 50% respectively. At the same time, it provides habitat for birds and insects, and increases the biodiversity of the garden. The innovation point lies in the construction of rain garden design models applicable to different urban garden scenes, and the optimization scheme based on the allocation of local plant communities is proposed, which realizes the organic unity of landscape aesthetics and ecological functions, provides scientific basis and technical support for the construction of green infrastructure of urban gardens, and helps to promote the construction and development of sponge city.
KEY WORDS:Rainwater Garden;Urban Landscape;Ecological Benefits;Water Quality Purification;Biodiversity Conservation
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
第二章 雨水花园的构建原理与设计要素 2
2.1 水文特征与植物选择 2
2.2 土壤介质与构造层次 2
2.3 设计参数与布局原则 3
第三章 雨水花园在城市园林中的应用实践 4
3.1 应用场景与案例分析 4
3.2 建设成本与维护管理 4
3.3 社会接受度与公众参与 5
第四章 生态效益评估体系与指标构建 6
4.1 水资源管理效益 6
4.2 污染物削减效果 6
4.3 生物多样性保护作用 7
结 论 8
参考文献 9
致 谢 10