
摘    要


关键词:跨文化适应  国际社工服务模式  中国传统文化


  With the advancement of globalization, the introduction of international social work service model into China has become an inevitable trend, but the problem of cross-cultural adaptation has become increasingly prominent. The purpose of this study is to explore the cross-cultural adaptation of the international social work service model in the Chinese context, in order to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for optimizing the local social work service system. The service model of international social work is incompatible with Chinese traditional culture and social environment in terms of values, service concepts and working methods. For example, there is a conflict between the values of individualism emphasized in the West and the values of collectivism in China. In the selection of service ob jects, the Western model pays more attention to individual needs and ignores the influence of Chinese social relations network. In response to these problems, it is proposed to construct an innovative social work service model fr amework with Chinese characteristics, integrate Chinese traditional excellent cultural elements into it, and realize the organic combination of international experience and local characteristics. This research result not only helps to promote the professional development of social work services in China, but also provides a useful reference for other countries to introduce international social work service models.

Keyword:Cross-Cultural Adaptation  International Social Work Service Model  Chinese Traditional Culture

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

2跨文化适应的理论基础 1

2.1文化差异对社工服务的影响 2

2.2跨文化适应的主要理论 2

2.3中国传统文化与社工理念的融合 3

3国际社工模式在中国的实践挑战 3

3.1价值观差异带来的冲突 3

3.2社会制度环境的制约 4

3.3实践中的本土化调整 4

4推动国际社工模式本土化的策略 5

4.1构建跨文化沟通机制 5

4.2培养本土化专业人才 6

4.3完善政策支持体系 6

结论 7

参考文献 9

致谢 10

