
摘  要

  口腔微生物群落与宿主健康密切相关,口腔内复杂的微生态系统在维持口腔稳态方面发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在深入探讨口腔微生物群落结构特征及其与口腔疾病之间的关系,为口腔疾病的预防和治疗提供新的思路。通过收集不同口腔疾病患者及健康人群的样本,利用16S rRNA基因测序技术对口腔微生物群落进行高通量测序分析,并结合生物信息学方法解析微生物群落组成差异。结果表明,口腔疾病状态下微生物多样性显著降低,特定致病菌相对丰度增加,且不同口腔疾病具有独特的微生物群落特征。进一步分析发现,微生物群落结构变化与炎症因子表达水平存在关联,提示微生物群落失衡可能通过影响宿主免疫反应参与疾病进程。本研究创新性地构建了口腔微生物群落与疾病关系的网络模型,揭示了关键微生物在疾病发生发展中的潜在作用,为基于微生物群落的口腔疾病诊断、预后评估提供了理论依据,也为开发新型微生物干预策略奠定了基础。

关键词:口腔微生物群落;16S rRNA基因测序;口腔疾病


  The oral microbiome is closely associated with host health, and the complex microecosystem within the oral cavity plays a crucial role in maintaining oral homeostasis. This study aims to investigate the structural characteristics of the oral microbiome and its relationship with oral diseases, providing new insights for the prevention and treatment of such conditions. By collecting samples from individuals with various oral diseases as well as healthy controls, we conducted high-throughput sequencing analysis of the oral microbiome using 16S rRNA gene sequencing technology, combined with bioinformatics approaches to elucidate differences in microbial community composition. The results demonstrate that microbial diversity is significantly reduced under disease conditions, with increased relative abundance of specific pathogenic bacteria, and distinct microbial signatures are observed across different types of oral diseases. Further analysis reveals an association between changes in microbial community structure and the ex pression levels of inflammatory factors, suggesting that dysbiosis of the microbiome may contribute to disease progression by influencing host immune responses. Innovatively, this study constructs a network model linking the oral microbiome with disease, uncovering the potential roles of key microorganisms in disease onset and development, which provides a theoretical basis for microbiome-based diagnosis and prognosis assessment of oral diseases and lays the foundation for developing novel microbial intervention strategies.

Keywords:Oral Microbiome;16S Rrna Gene Sequencing;Oral Diseases

目  录
引  言 1
第一章 口腔微生物群落概述 2
1.1 口腔微生物多样性 2
1.2 微生物群落结构特征 2
1.3 群落动态变化规律 3
第二章 口腔疾病类型分析 4
2.1 常见口腔疾病种类 4
2.2 疾病发生机制探讨 4
2.3 疾病与微生物关联 5
第三章 微生物与疾病相互作用 7
3.1 致病菌的作用机制 7
3.2 共生关系的影响 7
3.3 微生态失衡后果 8
第四章 研究方法与应用前景 10
4.1 检测技术进展 10
4.2 干预措施探索 10
4.3 未来研究方向 11
结  论 13
参考文献 14
致  谢 15




