
摘    要


关键词:个人位置信息保护  隐私泄露风险  法律框架构建

  With the rapid development of information technology, the acquisition, processing, and utilization of personal location information in the internet era have become increasingly frequent, bringing convenience to people's lives while also giving rise to numerous legal issues. This study aims to explore the legal protection of personal location information in the digital age to address challenges such as privacy breaches and data misuse resulting from technological advancements. By examining relevant domestic and international laws and regulations, analyzing typical cases, and scrutinizing existing legal provisions concerning personal location information protection, this research employs literature review, comparative analysis, and case study methods for an in-depth investigation. The findings indicate that China currently faces issues such as fragmented legislation and vague definitions in protecting personal location information, which fail to meet the rapidly evolving technological demands. Innovatively, this study proposes establishing a specialized legal fr amework dedicated to the protection of personal location information, clarifying its legal attributes, and setting stringent regulatory requirements for various stages including collection, use, and storage. It also underscores the importance of user consent principles. This research not only fills the gap in systematic studies in this field but also provides theoretical support and practical guidance for improving China’s personal information protection legal system, thereby facilitating a balance between technological innovation and personal privacy protection, promoting the healthy development of an information society while safeguarding citizens' rights.

Keyword:Personal Location Information Protection  Privacy Leakage Risk  Legal fr amework Construction

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1网络时代个人位置信息保护的背景 1
1.2研究的意义与价值 1
1.3国内外研究现状综述 1
1.4本文的研究方法 2
2个人位置信息的法律属性 2
2.1位置信息的概念界定 2
2.2法律属性分析 3
2.3与其他个人信息的关系 3
2.4权利主体与义务主体 4
3现行法律框架下的保护机制 4
3.1相关法律法规梳理 4
3.2主要立法原则 5
3.3行政监管措施 5
3.4司法实践中的应用 6
4完善个人位置信息保护的建议 6
4.1立法层面的完善建议 6
4.2技术手段的应用 7
4.3用户意识提升路径 7
4.4跨部门协作机制 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11
