摘 要
关键词:隐私权保护 互联网环境 民法视角
With the rapid development of Internet technology, citizens' right to privacy faces unprecedented challenges. Phenomena such as personal information leakage and data misuse in the online environment are occurring frequently, necessitating the construction of a privacy protection system adapted to the needs of the new era from the perspective of civil law. This study aims to explore the dilemmas and solutions concerning the protection of citizens' privacy rights in the Internet age, providing theoretical support for improving relevant legal systems. By conducting comparative analysis of the current status of privacy legislation both domestically and internationally, and combining it with China's national conditions and judicial practices, this research employs literature review, case analysis, and empirical investigation methods to thoroughly examine existing problems in the protection of citizens' privacy rights in China, such as legislative lag, vague definitions, and an incomplete relief mechanism. The study finds that traditional concepts of privacy rights are inadequate to encompass new types of infringements in the context of the Internet, making it urgent to redefine the boundaries of privacy rights and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism. Based on these findings, this paper proposes the establishment of a multi-stakeholder collaborative governance model, strengthening platform responsibility, improving the classification and grading protection system for personal information, and innovating rules for identifying infringement liability, to achieve more effective protection of citizens' privacy rights. This research not only enriches the theoretical connotations of privacy rights but also provides highly operational path choices for the protection of privacy rights under the implementation background of China’s Civil Code, holding significant theoretical and practical implications.
Keyword:Privacy Rights Protection Internet Environment Civil Law Perspective
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与思路 2
2互联网时代隐私权的民法内涵 2
2.1隐私权的基本概念界定 2
2.2民法中隐私权的构成要素 3
2.3互联网对隐私权的新挑战 3
3互联网环境下隐私权侵权行为分析 4
3.1个人信息收集中的侵权问题 4
3.2数据滥用与隐私侵害 5
3.3网络平台责任界定 5
4民法框架下隐私权保护机制构建 6
4.1立法层面的完善建议 6
4.2司法实践中的保护路径 7
4.3技术手段辅助隐私保护 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10