

摘    要


关键词:公司僵局  司法解散制度  多元化纠纷解决机制


  As a common dilemma in modern corporate governance, corporate deadlock not only affects the development of enterprises themselves, but also damages the rights and interests of stakeholders such as shareholders and creditors. This paper takes the judicial dissolution system as the ob ject of study, aiming at discussing its applicable conditions and perfecting ways. Based on the systematic review of the relevant legislation and judicial practice at home and abroad, combined with the provisions of Article 182 of the Company Law of our country, this paper deeply analyzes the problems of the judicial dissolution system in theory and practice. The existing system has some problems, such as too high starting threshold, too long trial period and lack of preventive measures, which lead to the failure of the system to fully play the expected function. This paper innovatively proposes the construction of a diversified dispute resolution mechanism, the introduction of the temporary manager system, and the elaboration of the specific standards for the dissolution of the cause, so as to provide a more operational judgment guidance for the judicial organs. By optimizing the judicial dissolution system, it can not only effectively resolve the internal contradictions of the company, protect the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders, but also maintain the stability of the market order and promote the continuous improvement of the business environment. The research shows that a perfect judicial dissolution system should balance the survival value of the company and the withdrawal right of the shareholder, and ensure the proportionality and effectiveness of judicial intervention on the basis of guaranteeing the autonomy of the company, so as to realize the organic unity of legal effect and social effect.

Keyword:Company Deadlock  Judicial Dissolution System  Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism

目  录

1引言 1

2公司僵局的理论基础 1

2.1公司僵局的概念界定 1

2.2公司僵局的表现形式 2

2.3公司僵局产生的原因分析 2

3司法解散制度的法律规定 3

3.1司法解散制度的法律依据 3

3.2司法解散的适用范围 3

3.3司法解散的程序要求 4

4司法解散制度的适用条件 5

4.1股东表决机制失灵的判断 5

4.2公司经营管理严重困难的标准 5

4.3继续存续会使股东利益受损的情形 6

结论 6

参考文献 8

致谢 9

