摘 要
关键词:智能工厂框架 机械设计制造自动化 协同优化
The collaborative optimization of mechanical design and manufacturing automation under the fr amework of smart factory is an important direction for the development of modern manufacturing industry. With the proposal of the concept of Industry 4.0 and the development of information technology, traditional mechanical design and manufacturing are facing many challenges, such as low production efficiency and serious waste of resources. In order to solve these problems, this study aims to construct a collaborative optimization system of mechanical design and manufacturing automation based on the fr amework of smart factory. Through the integration of advanced technological means such as the Internet of Things, big data analysis, artificial intelligence algorithms, intelligent management of the whole process from product design to production is realized. By combining multi-ob jective optimization model with simulation technology, the key links in mechanical design and manufacturing process are modeled and analyzed, including equipment layout planning, process optimization and quality control strategy.
Keyword:Intelligent Factory fr amework Mechanical Design And Manufacturing Automation Collaborative Optimization
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状与挑战 1
2智能工厂框架下的系统集成 1
2.1信息物理系统的构建 1
2.2设备互联互通机制 2
2.3数据流与信息共享优化 3
2.4系统集成对协同优化的影响 3
3机械设计制造的智能化升级 4
3.1智能化设计工具的应用 4
3.2制造工艺的自动化改进 4
3.3生产流程的柔性化调整 5
3.4智能检测与质量控制体系 5
4协同优化的关键技术实现 6
4.1多目标优化算法研究 6
4.2实时调度与资源分配 6
4.3故障预测与维护策略 7
4.4性能评估与持续改进机制 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10