摘 要
关键词:绿色消费 消费者态度 环保意识
As global environmental issues become increasingly severe, green consumption has gradually emerged as a focal point of attention across various sectors of society. This study aims to explore consumers' attitudes toward green products, grounded in the concept of sustainable development, and delves into the critical factors influencing these attitudes. Through a review of existing literature, it was found that most studies have concentrated on macro-level analyses while lacking specific examinations of micro-level individual behaviors. Therefore, this study innovatively focuses on the interaction between individual psychological characteristics and social environmental factors. A questionnaire survey method was employed, selecting 1200 consumers from different age groups, genders, and income levels nationwide as samples, with data analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that consumers' environmental awareness and sense of social responsibility significantly positively influence their attitudes toward green products; perceived product price and quality serve as important mediating variables; and social norms play a moderating role. Furthermore, it was discovered that younger generations and highly educated groups are more inclined to accept green products, and this inclination is significantly influenced by social media dissemination. This study not only enriches the theoretical fr amework of green consumption but also provides empirical evidence for government policy formulation and corporate green product development, contributing to the healthy development of the green consumption market.
Keyword:Green Consumption Consumer Attitude Environmental Awareness
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法概述 2
2消费者绿色产品认知 2
2.1绿色产品的定义与范畴 2
2.2消费者对绿色产品的理解 3
2.3影响认知的关键因素分析 3
3消费者态度形成机制 4
3.1态度形成的理论基础 4
3.2个人价值观对态度的影响 4
3.3社会环境对态度的塑造 5
4消费行为与态度关系 6
4.1购买意愿与实际行为 6
4.2态度一致性与不一致现象 6
4.3行为反馈对态度的反作用 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10