摘 要
关键词:电力需求侧管理 大数据分析 机器学习
With the continuous growth of global energy demand and the increasing severity of environmental issues, demand-side management (DSM) of electricity has become a crucial approach to achieving efficient energy utilization and sustainable development. This study aims to construct DSM strategies based on big data analysis to enhance the operational efficiency and reliability of power systems. By integrating multi-source heterogeneous data from smart meters, meteorological information, and user behavior, machine learning algorithms are employed to uncover the intrinsic relationships between electricity consumption patterns and influencing factors. A multi-level DSM fr amework encompassing short-term forecasting, long-term planning, and real-time control is established, along with a hybrid model that combines deep learning and optimization theory for precise load prediction. The results indicate that this method can improve prediction accuracy by over 15%, while also enabling refined classification management of different types of users. Furthermore, differentiated response mechanisms are developed for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, ensuring supply-demand balance and reducing peak-to-valley differences in the system. Innovatively applying big data technology to DSM practices, this research provides scientific decision-making support for power companies and valuable references for policy makers, promoting the construction and development of smart energy systems.
Keyword:Power Demand Side Management Big Data Analysis Machine Learning
目 录
引言 1
1电力需求侧管理的现状与挑战 1
1.1电力需求侧管理概述 1
1.2当前管理策略存在的问题 2
1.3大数据分析的应用潜力 2
2大数据分析技术在电力需求侧的应用 3
2.1数据收集与预处理方法 3
2.2关键数据分析技术介绍 3
2.3应用案例分析与评价 4
3基于大数据的需求预测模型构建 4
3.1预测模型的设计原则 4
3.2主要影响因素分析 5
3.3模型验证与优化方案 5
4大数据驱动的电力需求响应机制 6
4.1用户行为模式挖掘 6
4.2激励机制设计思路 6
4.3实施效果评估体系 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10