
摘    要

关键词:数字经济  商业模式创新  经济增长

This study focuses on the influence mechanism of business model innovation on economic growth in the era of digital economy. Based on the data of China's A-share listed companies in 2015-2022, the dual difference method and structural equation model are adopted to systematically investigate the path selection and economic effect of enterprise business model innovation under the background of digital transformation. It is found that the deep application of digital technology significantly promotes the innovation and transformation of enterprise business model, in which platform, ecology and intelligent are the three main directions; business model innovation improves the efficiency of resource allocation, optimizing the value creation process and expanding the market boundary, and its contribution shows a continuous rising trend in the era of digital economy. The study further reveals the differentiated performance of different types of enterprises in business model innovation: the innovation effect of technology-intensive enterprises is the most significant, while the transformation process of traditional manufacturing enterprises lags behind.

Keyword: digital economy  Business model innovation  economic growth

目    录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与创新点 1
2数字经济驱动下的商业模式变革 2
2.1数字技术对传统商业模式的颠覆性影响 2
2.2平台经济模式的兴起与发展特征 3
2.3数据要素驱动的价值创造机制 3
3商业模式创新对经济增长的作用机制 4
3.1创新扩散与产业升级的传导路径 4
3.2数字平台对市场效率的提升作用 4
3.3共享经济模式的经济效益分析 5
4数字经济时代商业模式创新的政策建议 5
4.1完善数字基础设施建设的战略布局 5
4.2构建适应数字经济发展的监管框架 6
4.3培育创新型企业的制度环境优化 6
5结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9




