

摘    要


关键词:国际贸易规则变化  中国出口企业  市场准入要求


  With the evolution of the global economic pattern and the adjustment of international trade rules, China, as a big trading country in the world, its export enterprises are facing new opportunities and challenges. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of changes in international trade rules on Chinese export enterprises. Based on this background, the goal is to improve the international competitiveness of Chinese export enterprises. Under the new international trade rules, on the one hand, some traditional advantage products face stricter market access requirements, resulting in higher costs; On the other hand, emerging areas such as green industry and digital trade have ushered in development opportunities. The conclusion shows that Chinese export enterprises need to actively respond to the rule changes, strengthen their own innovation ability, optimize the industrial structure, improve product quality and added value, and the government should strengthen policy support and guidance to help enterprises adapt to the new rules. This study innovatively combines the change of international trade rules with the micro behavior of enterprises, and provides theoretical basis and practical guidance for Chinese export enterprises to seek sustainable development in the complex and changeable international trade environment.

Keyword:Changes In International Trade Rules  Chinese Export Enterprises  Market Access Requirements

目  录

1引言 1

2国际贸易规则变化概述 1

2.1主要国际贸易规则演变 1

2.2规则变化的核心内容 2

2.3对全球贸易格局的影响 2

2.4中国面临的规则挑战 3

3出口企业面临的机遇与挑战 3

3.1市场准入条件的变化 3

3.2技术标准与合规成本 4

3.3知识产权保护要求 4

3.4贸易救济措施影响 5

4应对策略与政策建议 5

4.1企业战略调整方向 5

4.2政府支持体系构建 6

4.3行业协会作用发挥 6

结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9





