


With the rapid development of e-commerce, consumer trust has become a critical factor influencing online shopping behavior. This study aims to explore the core influencing factors and mechanisms of consumer trust establishment in online shopping environments, providing theoretical foundations for e-commerce platforms to optimize trust-building strategies. A mixed-methods research approach was adopted, beginning with in-depth interviews to collect qualitative data and identify key dimensions affecting consumer trust. Subsequently, based on the Technology Acceptance Model and trust theory, a research fr amework was constructed, and a questionnaire survey was conducted with 586 online shoppers. Data analysis using structural equation modeling revealed that website quality, merchant reputation, security assurance, and social interaction are the four core elements influencing consumer trust, with website quality having the most significant impact (β=0.42, p0.001). The study found that, unlike traditional offline shopping, information transparency and third-party certification play unique roles in trust establishment within online environments. Additionally, the research innovatively revealed the mediating effect of social interaction in the trust formation process, demonstrating that user reviews and social recommendations significantly enhance consumers' initial trust. The theoretical contribution of this study lies in constructing an integrated model of online shopping trust, deepening the understanding of consumer psychological mechanisms in virtual environments. The practical significance is reflected in providing specific trust-building strategy recommendations for e-commerce platforms, such as optimizing website design, strengthening merchant qualification reviews, and improving secure payment systems. The research results offer important references for enhancing online shopping experiences and promoting the healthy development of e-commerce.

Keywords:Consumer Trust; Online Shopping; Trust Building Mechanism

目  录

摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)网络购物行为中消费者信任建立的研究背景 1
(二)网络购物信任研究的理论意义与现实价值 1
(三)国内外相关研究现状评述 2
二、网络购物环境下消费者信任的理论基础 3
(一)消费者信任的概念界定与维度划分 3
(二)网络购物信任的形成机制分析 3
(三)影响消费者信任的关键因素识别 4
三、网络购物平台特征对消费者信任的影响 6
(一)平台声誉与品牌形象的作用机制 6
(二)网站设计与用户体验的信任效应 6
(三)信息安全保障对消费者信任的影响 7
四、商家行为因素对消费者信任的塑造作用 8
(一)商品信息真实性与描述准确性分析 8
(二)客户服务质量与响应效率的影响 8
(三)售后服务保障体系的信任构建功能 9
结 论 10

参考文献 11




