


This study focuses on the impact mechanism of the digital divide on e-commerce consumption behavior, employing a mixed-methods approach that combines questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews for data collection, followed by empirical analysis using structural equation modeling. The research reveals that the digital divide significantly influences consumers' willingness to use e-commerce and their purchasing decisions, with access divide, usage skills divide, and cognitive divide explaining 32.4%, 28.7%, and 21.6% of the variance in consumption behavior respectively. The study innovatively constructs a "Digital Divide-Perceived Value-Consumption Behavior" theoretical model, uncovering differentiated impact pathways of various dimensions of the digital divide on consumer behavior. The results indicate that access divide primarily affects the use of basic e-commerce services, while usage skills divide significantly constrains consumers' adoption of emerging e-commerce models; cognitive divide not only directly influences consumption decisions but also indirectly affects purchasing behavior by moderating perceived value. Based on these findings, the study proposes targeted policy recommendations: governments should strengthen digital infrastructure construction, while enterprises need to optimize user interface design and provide personalized training services to mitigate consumption inequality caused by the digital divide. The theoretical contribution of this research lies in expanding the application scenarios of digital divide studies and providing a new analytical fr amework for understanding consumption behavior in the digital economy era; its practical significance is reflected in offering empirical evidence for e-commerce platforms to formulate differentiated marketing strategies.

Keywords:Digital Divide; E-commerce Consumption Behavior; Perceived Value

目  录

摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)数字鸿沟与电商消费行为研究背景 1
(二)数字鸿沟对电商消费影响的研究意义 1
(三)国内外相关研究现状分析 1
二、数字鸿沟的理论基础与测量维度 3
(一)数字鸿沟的概念界定与理论框架 3
(二)数字鸿沟的测量指标体系构建 3
(三)电商消费行为的核心要素分析 4
三、数字鸿沟对电商消费行为的影响机制 5
(一)接入性差异对消费决策的影响 5
(二)使用能力差异对消费体验的影响 5
(三)信息获取差异对消费选择的影响 6
四、数字鸿沟影响下的电商消费行为实证研究 7
(一)研究设计与数据收集方法 7
(二)数据分析与模型构建 7
(三)实证结果分析与讨论 8
结 论 9
参考文献 10





