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摘    要


关键词:审计独立性  法律法规监管  公司治理结构

  Audit independence is a critical factor in ensuring audit quality and credibility. With the rapid development of economic globalization and capital markets, audit independence faces numerous challenges. This study aims to thoroughly examine the primary factors influencing audit independence and propose practical strategies for enhancement. By integrating literature review, case analysis, and empirical research, this study systematically analyzes the impact mechanisms of various factors including legal and regulatory environment, market competition conditions, corporate governance structure, and auditor professional ethics on audit independence. The findings indicate that stringent legal and regulatory supervision provides institutional safeguards for audit independence, healthy market competition fosters a favorable practice environment, sound corporate governance structures reinforce audit independence internally, and high standards of professional ethics are intrinsic requirements for auditors to maintain independence. Based on these research outcomes, this paper innovatively proposes a comprehensive strategy to enhance audit independence, which includes constructing a multi-party collaborative supervision system to optimize the external environment, improving internal governance mechanisms of accounting firms to strengthen intrinsic motivation, and enhancing auditor professional competence training to elevate individual awareness. These strategies provide theoretical foundations and practical guidance for improving audit independence in China and are of significant importance for promoting the healthy development of the auditing industry.

Keyword:Audit Independence  Legal And Regulatory Oversight  Corporate Governance Structure

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与思路 1
2审计独立性的影响因素分析 2
2.1外部环境对审计独立性的影响 2
2.2内部治理结构的作用 3
2.3审计师职业道德约束 3
3审计独立性的提升路径探讨 4
3.1强化法律法规保障机制 4
3.2优化内部管理与监督体系 4
3.3提升审计人员专业素养 5
4审计独立性保障的创新策略 6
4.1技术赋能审计独立性 6
4.2构建多元监督模式 6
4.3推动行业自律建设 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
