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关键词:财务舞弊行为  会计信息质量  管理层动机


  Financial fraud is a critical issue in corporate governance, and its negative impact on the quality of accounting information has become a focal point for both academia and practice. Based on agency theory and information asymmetry theory, this study investigates the motivations behind financial fraud and the mechanisms through which such behavior distorts accounting information. By collecting publicly disclosed financial data and related regulatory penalty information from Chinese A-share listed companies between 2010 and 2022, a multiple regression analysis method was employed, incorporating control variables, to verify the driving effects of managerial self-interest motives, financing needs, and performance pressures on financial fraud. Furthermore, the study analyzes how these factors lead to distortions in accounting information. The findings indicate that financial fraud conducted by management to satisfy personal interests or external pressures significantly reduces the quality of accounting information, as evidenced by increased earnings management and decreased reliability of financial statements. Additionally, this research reveals that the effectiveness of corporate governance structures can significantly suppress the likelihood of financial fraud, thereby improving the quality of accounting information. Compared with existing literature, this paper innovatively introduces a dynamic evaluation model of fraud motives and empirically demonstrates differentiated pathways through which various types of motives affect accounting information distortion. This discovery not only enriches the research fr amework on financial fraud but also provides theoretical support for regulatory authorities in formulating targeted policies. Overall, this study emphasizes the importance of improving corporate governance mechanisms while advocating for enhanced external audit supervision to increase the transparency and reliability of accounting information.

Keyword:Financial Fraud Behavior  Accounting Information Quality  Management Motivation

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1财务舞弊与会计信息失真的研究背景 1

1.2研究财务舞弊行为的动机与意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状与评述 1

2财务舞弊行为的动机分析 2

2.1财务舞弊的主要类型与特征 2

2.2舞弊动机的理论基础探讨 2

2.3外部压力对舞弊动机的影响 2

2.4内部治理缺陷与舞弊动机的关系 3

2.5动机分析的案例验证 3

3会计信息失真的表现与成因 4

3.1会计信息失真的主要表现形式 4

3.2制度环境对会计信息失真的影响 4

3.3企业内部管理与信息失真的关联 4

3.4财务报告编制中的技术性偏差 5

3.5信息失真典型案例分析 5

4财务舞弊与会计信息失真的关联机制 5

4.1财务舞弊导致会计信息失真的路径 5

4.2动机强度对信息失真的程度影响 6

4.3信息失真对舞弊行为的反馈作用 6

4.4关联机制的实证研究设计 6

4.5研究结果与讨论 7

5结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9




