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摘    要


关键词:信息技术环境  审计风险  数据安全

  With the rapid development of information technology, the auditing environment has undergone profound transformations, posing numerous challenges to traditional auditing models. This study aims to explore the new characteristics of audit risk in an information technology environment and propose corresponding measures to address these challenges, thereby providing theoretical guidance and practical references for auditing practices. Through a systematic review of relevant domestic and international literature, combined with case analysis and field research, this study delves into the primary sources of audit risk in the context of information technology, including data security, the complexity of information systems, and the digitization of audit evidence. The findings indicate that while the application of information technology introduces new risk points, it also provides technological means for risk prevention and control. Based on these insights, this paper proposes the construction of a multi-level audit risk prevention and control system, emphasizing a multi-dimensional approach involving institutional building, technological innovation, and personnel training to achieve effective management of audit risks. Specifically, for the unique risks brought by emerging technologies such as big data and cloud computing, an innovative integrated solution combining risk assessment models with intelligent auditing tools is proposed. This not only enriches the theory of audit risk management but also offers practical methods for operational implementation.

Keyword:Information Technology Environment  Audit Risk  Data Security

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1信息技术环境下审计风险应对的背景 1
1.2研究意义与理论价值 1
1.3国内外研究现状综述 1
1.4本文的研究方法与创新点 2
2信息技术环境下的审计风险识别 2
2.1审计风险的主要来源分析 2
2.2信息技术对审计风险的影响 3
2.3风险识别的技术与工具应用 3
2.4数据安全与隐私保护挑战 4
3审计风险评估与控制策略 4
3.1风险评估模型构建 4
3.2内部控制有效性评价 5
3.3关键风险指标设定 5
3.4动态监控与预警机制 6
4审计技术与方法的创新应用 6
4.1大数据分析在审计中的应用 7
4.2人工智能辅助审计实践 7
4.3区块链技术提升审计透明度 8
4.4新型审计工具的开发与使用 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11