摘 要
关键词:数字经济 税收征管 税源监控
With the vigorous development of the digital economy, traditional tax administration is confronted with unprecedented challenges. This paper aims to explore the issues in tax administration under the backdrop of digital economic development and propose corresponding countermeasures. By reviewing relevant domestic and international literature and analyzing the operational characteristics and current tax handling status of enterprises under typical digital economy models, it is found that current tax administration faces significant challenges such as difficulties in monitoring tax sources, lagging tax regulations, and difficulties in international tax coordination. Based on this, a combination of theoretical analysis and case studies is employed to delve into the root causes of these problems. The research findings indicate that constructing a tax administration system adapted to the digital economy is imperative. Innovatively, this paper proposes leveraging emerging technologies such as big data and blockchain to strengthen tax source supervision, promoting the updating of tax regulations to encompass new economic forms, and enhancing international cooperation to establish multilateral tax coordination mechanisms. These measures not only help address domestic challenges in digital economy tax administration but also provide valuable references for the international community in tackling similar issues, thereby providing a solid tax system guarantee for the healthy and stable development of the digital economy, ensuring national tax interests while fostering the prosperity of the digital economy.Keyword:Digital Economy Tax Administration Tax Source Monitoring
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1数字经济下税收征管的背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3本文的研究方法与思路 1
2数字经济对税收征管的挑战 2
2.1税收征管对象的虚拟化问题 2
2.2跨境交易带来的税收难题 2
2.3数据安全与隐私保护的考量 3
2.4新业态下的税源监控困境 3
3数字经济下税收政策的适应性调整 4
3.1税收制度的数字化转型需求 4
3.2税收优惠政策的重新定位 5
3.3税收管辖权的界定原则 5
3.4区块链技术在税收中的应用 6
4完善数字经济税收征管的对策建议 6
4.1构建协同治理的税收征管体系 6
4.2强化数据驱动的征管能力建设 7
4.3推进国际税收合作机制建设 8
4.4培育适应数字经济的税务人才 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11