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关键词:企业可持续发展战略  环境经济社会平衡  创新

  This study aims to delve into the implementation process and impact evaluation of corporate sustainable development strategies. In the context of global economic integration and increasing emphasis on environmental protection, sustainable development has become a focal point of both theoretical and practical circles. Through a comprehensive application of research methods including literature analysis, case studies, and quantitative assessments, this study systematically examines the theoretical fr amework of corporate sustainable development strategies. Combining practical cases, it further explores the critical elements and influencing factors in the strategy implementation process. The findings reveal that effective sustainable development strategies must closely align with the unique characteristics of the enterprise and prioritize balanced development across environmental, economic, and social dimensions. Additionally, innovation plays a pivotal role in strategy implementation, encompassing not only green innovations in products and services but also comprehensive reforms in management and business models. Furthermore, this study constructs an evaluation index system for assessing the effectiveness of sustainable development strategies and applies it to conduct an empirical analysis of selected case enterprises. The analysis demonstrates that enterprises implementing sustainable development strategies have achieved significant outcomes in enhancing market competitiveness, strengthening brand influence, and improving social and environmental performance.

Keyword:Corporate Sustainable Development Strategy  Environmental, Economic and Social Balance  Innovation

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与思路 1
2企业可持续发展战略的理论框架 2
2.1可持续发展战略的定义与内涵 2
2.2可持续发展战略的核心要素 2
2.3可持续发展战略与企业竞争力 3
2.4国内外成功案例分析 3
3企业可持续发展战略的实施路径 3
3.1制定战略规划与目标设定 4
3.2组织结构调整与资源配置 4
3.3企业文化建设与内部沟通 4
3.4外部合作与利益相关者管理 5
3.5风险评估与应对策略 5
4企业可持续发展战略的效果评估 6
4.1效果评估的指标体系构建 6
4.2数据收集与分析方法 6
4.3战略实施效果的定量评估 7
4.4战略实施效果的定性分析 7
4.5效果评估的反馈与调整 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
