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关键词:企业社会责任  企业长期绩效  正相关关系

  This study aims to delve into the intrinsic relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and long-term corporate performance. In the current economic landscape, CSR has garnered increasing attention, and its potential impact on sustainable corporate development cannot be overlooked. Adopting a methodology that combines quantitative analysis with case studies, this research systematically examines the CSR performance of multiple representative companies and conducts a comparative study with their long-term performance. Through the collection of financial data, CSR reports, and market feedback spanning multiple years, coupled with the application of statistical analysis techniques, we uncover a significant positive correlation between CSR implementation and long-term corporate performance. Specifically, companies that excel in environmental protection, employee welfare, and public welfare initiatives often exhibit superior long-term performance compared to those that neglect their social responsibilities. Furthermore, this study innovatively explores the mechanisms through which CSR influences brand image and consumer loyalty, revealing that companies actively engaged in CSR possess a distinct advantage in market competition. The findings indicate that CSR not only enhances a company's social image but also fosters long-term corporate growth by strengthening consumer trust and loyalty.

Keyword:Corporate Social Responsibility  Long-term Corporate Performance  Positive Correlation

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与数据来源 1
2企业社会责任的内涵与外延 2
2.1企业社会责任的定义及发展历程 2
2.2企业社会责任的核心要素 2
2.3企业社会责任的实践案例 3
2.4企业社会责任与可持续发展 3
3企业长期绩效的评价体系 4
3.1企业长期绩效的界定 4
3.2长期绩效评价的指标体系 4
3.3长期绩效与短期绩效的关系 5
3.4影响企业长期绩效的关键因素 5
4企业社会责任与企业长期绩效的关联性分析 6
4.1社会责任实践对企业长期绩效的直接影响 6
4.2社会责任在风险管理中的作用 6
4.3社会责任与企业声誉及品牌价值 6
4.4社会责任实践中的挑战与机遇 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10
