
摘 要



Optimization Strategies for Primary School Curriculum Design Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory


  With the continuous renewal of the educational concept, the theory of multiple intelligences provides a new perspective and methodology support for the curriculum design of primary schools. This study aims to optimize the curriculum design of primary schools based on the theory of multiple intelligences, so as to promote the comprehensive development of students and improve the teaching effect. Through the combination of literature analysis and field investigation, the research sorts out the existing problems in the current curriculum design of primary schools. In addition, a series of optimization strategies were proposed based on the core ideas of multiple intelligences theory. Specifically, the study first clarified the application value of eight kinds of intelligences, including language, logic and mathematics, space, music, physical movement, interpersonal communication, introspection and natural observation, in primary school education, and then constructed a set of student-centered curriculum fr amework focusing on multi-dimensional intelligence training. The curriculum design based on the theory of multiple intelligences can significantly improve students' participation and learning interest, and at the same time promote the diversity and flexibility of teachers' teaching methods. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the application of the theory of multiple intelligences not only helps to tap students' potential ability, but also provides more inclusive and adaptive ideas for primary school curriculum design. Its innovation point lies in the close combination of theory and practice, forming a strong operational optimization plan, which provides a useful reference for promoting the reform of basic education

Key Words:Multiple Intelligences Theory, Primary School Curriculum Design, Students' All-round Development, Optimization Strategy, Action Research Method

目 录

引言 1

一、多元智能理论概述与应用背景 2

(一)多元智能理论的核心概念 2

(二)小学教育中的多元智能实践 3

(三)理论对课程设计的指导意义 4

二、当前小学课程设计存在的问题分析 5

(一)课程内容与多元智能的匹配性不足 5

(二)教学方法单一化的现状剖析 6

(三)学生个体差异在课程中的忽视 7

三、基于多元智能的小学课程优化原则 8

(一)注重学生多维度能力发展 8

(二)平衡课程结构与教学目标 9

(三)强化实践性与情境化教学 10

四、具体优化策略的设计与实施路径 10

(一)构建多元智能导向的课程框架 11

(二)创新教学方法以激发学生潜能 12

(三)评估机制的完善与反馈优化 14

结论 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 18

