
摘    要

关键词:优良乡土树种; 繁殖技术; 种子萌发; 无性繁殖; 组培快繁

  Indigenous tree species of high quality play an irreplaceable role in ecosystem restoration and urban greening; however, the research on their propagation technologies lags behind, limiting practical applications. This study focuses on typical indigenous tree species in China, systematically analyzing the technical characteristics of seed germination, asexual propagation, and tissue culture rapid propagation. By integrating specific case studies, it explores the applicable conditions and optimization strategies for different propagation methods. Through comparative experiments and data analysis, key factors influencing the propagation efficiency of indigenous tree species were identified, and an improved propagation technology scheme based on environmental adaptability was proposed. The study demonstrates that the adoption of integrated propagation technologies can significantly enhance the survival rate and propagation speed of indigenous tree species while reducing production costs. Additionally, this research establishes, for the first time, an evaluation system for the propagation technology of indigenous tree species, providing a theoretical basis for scientifically selecting propagation methods. The results indicate that high-quality indigenous tree species have broad application prospects in ecological restoration, landscape creation, and economic forest construction, with their promotion effectively contributing to regional biodiversity and sustainable development. This research lays a technical foundation for the large-scale application of indigenous tree species and offers new insights for further studies in related fields.

Key words:Excellent Native Tree Species; Propagation Technology; Seed Germination; Asexual Reproduction; Tissue Culture Rapid Propagation
目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
引    言 1
第1章、优良乡土树种的繁殖技术概述 2
1.1、乡土树种繁殖技术现状分析 2
1.2、主要繁殖方法及其特点 2
1.3、技术选择与适应性研究 2
第2章、影响乡土树种繁殖的关键因素 4
2.1、环境条件对繁殖的影响 4
2.2、遗传特性与繁殖效率的关系 4
2.3、技术操作中的常见问题及解决策略 5
第3章、优良乡土树种的应用领域分析 6
3.1、生态修复中的应用前景 6
3.2、城市绿化中的功能价值 6
3.3、经济林建设中的潜力评估 7
第4章、推动乡土树种发展的对策与建议 8
4.1、加强繁殖技术研发的必要性 8
4.2、政策支持与产业化的路径探索 8
4.3、公众参与与意识提升的重要性 9
结    论 10
参考文献 11
